
  • Job title: Professor, CSIE Chair
  • Name: Chu-Song Chen
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Image Processing, Multimedia Understanding, Big Data Analysis, Medical Image Processing.
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 317
  • Job title: Professor, Chair
  • Name: Pu-Jen Cheng
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Web Mining, Information Retrieval, Multimedia Databases
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 323
  • Job title: Professor, CSIE Associate Chair
  • Name: Wen-Huang Cheng
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Artificial intelligence, multimedia, computer vision, machine learning, digital transformation, financial technology
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 420
  • Job title: Associate Professor, CSIE Associate Chair
  • Name: Chung-Wei Lin
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Cyber-Physical Systems, Intelligent Vehicles, Security, System Design Methodology
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 518
  • Job title: Professor
  • Name: Ruey-Feng Chang
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Medical Image Computer-Aided Diagnosis, Image/Video Processing, Multimedia Systems and Communication
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 331
  • Job title: Professor
  • Name: Kun-Mao Chao
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 423
  • Job title: Distinguished Professor
  • Name: Bing-Yu Chen
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Computer Graphics, Human-Computer Interaction, Image Processing, Multimedia Systems
  • Personal website:
  • Job title: Distinguished Professor
  • Name: Gen-Huey Chen
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Computer Algorithms, Graph Theory and Combinatorial Optimization, Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 427
  • Job title: Distinguished Professor
  • Name: Hsin-Hsi Chen
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval and Extraction, Web Mining
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 311
  • Job title: Assistant Professor
  • Name: Shang-Tse Chen
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Machine learning, Security, Algorithmic Game Theory, and Data Mining
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 515
  • Job title: Professor
  • Name: Wen-Chin Chen
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Algorithms, Database System, Multimedia System
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 525
  • Job title: Professor
  • Name: Mike Yen-Yang Chen
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Human-Computer Interaction, Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing, Ubiquitous Computing
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 412
  • Job title: Associate Professor
  • Name: Yun-Nung Chen
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Language Understanding, Dialogue System, Machine Intelligence, Natural Language Processing
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 418
  • Job title: Associate Professor
  • Name: Lung-Pan Cheng
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Human-Computer Interaction, Augmented/Virtual Reality, Haptics
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 325
  • Job title: Professor
  • Name: Cheng-Fu Chou
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Distributed Machine Learning System, Smart Healthcare, Multimedia Systems, Wireless (and Sensor) Networks, Performance Evaluation Theory
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 517
  • Job title: Distinguished Professor
  • Name: Yung-Yu Chuang
  • Email:
  • Extension: 527
  • Job title: Distinguished Professor
  • Name: Li-Chen Fu
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Smart Home, Intelligent Robotics, Virtual Reality, Advanced Vision Applications, Evolutionary Computation and Application
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 533
  • Job title: Professor
  • Name: Chiou-Shann Fuh
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Computer Vision, Digital Image Processing ,Digital Camera
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 327
  • Job title: Distinguished Professor
  • Name: Jieh Hsiang
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Automated Deduction, Logic in Computer Science, Digital Libraries and Archives
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 312
  • Job title: Associate Professor
  • Name: Hsu-Chun Hsiao
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: network security, applied cryptography, highly available future networks
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 511
  • Job title: Professor
  • Name: Winston H. Hsu
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Machine Learning, Computer Vision , Large-Scale Photo/Video Retrieval and Recognition
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 512
  • Job title: Associate Professor
  • Name: Chih-Wen Hsueh
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Real-Time System, Operating System, Blockchain
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 322
  • Job title: Professor
  • Name: Yi-Ping Hung
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, Virtual reality, Multimedia Technology and Human-Computer Interaction
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 433
  • Job title: Professor
  • Name: Shih-Hao Hung
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Co-Optimization of Applications and Architectures, Computer Architecture and Parallel Computing, Computer Performance Characterization and Optimization, Commercial Servers and Applications, Design of Embedded Systems
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 320
  • Job title: Professor
  • Name: Jyh-Shing Roger Jang
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Music Analysis and Retrieval, Speech Recognition and Synthesis, Multimedia Information Retrieval
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 509
  • Job title: Distinguished Professor
  • Name: Tei-Wei Kuo
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Embedded Systems, Real-Time Systems, Neuromorphic Computing, Flash-Memory Systems, Operating Systems, Storage Systems
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 315
  • Job title: Professor
  • Name: 李濬屹(Chun-Yi Lee)
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Intelligent Robotics, Reinforcement Learning, Virtual-to-Real Learning with Digital Twins, Computer Vision, Parallel Computing and Parallel Computing Architecture, Electronic Design Automation
  • Personal website:
  • Job title: Professor
  • Name: Jonathan Lee
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Software engineering, service-oriented computing, and software engineering with computational intelligence
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 513
  • Job title: Associate Professor
  • Name: Ming-Sui Lee
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Multimedia Image Processing, Ditigal Image Mosaicking and Compression, Signal Processing
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 520
  • Job title: Associate Professor
  • Name: Yen-Huan Li
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Machine learning, optimization, high-dimensional statistics, quantum information
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 414
  • Job title: Assistant Professor
  • Name: Shih-Wei Li
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Operating Systems, Security, Virtualization, Performance Evaluation and Optimization
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 531
  • Job title: Associate Professor
  • Name: Shih-wei Liao
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Blockchain and Big data, Fintech (Internet Finance), Android virtual machines and compilers
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 514
  • Job title: Distinguished Professor
  • Name: 林智仁 (CJ Lin)
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Machine Learning, Data Mining, Optimization
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 413
  • Job title: Distinguished Professor
  • Name: Phone Lin
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Data Driven Anomaly Detection/Prediction, Wireless Internet, Performance Modeling
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 416
  • Job title: Professor
  • Name: Shou-De Lin
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Machine Discovery, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Natural Language Process, Artificial Intelligence, Social Network Analysis
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 333
  • Job title: Professor
  • Name: Hsuan-Tien Lin
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Machine Learning, Data Mining, Information Theory
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 314
  • Job title: Professor
  • Name: Pangfeng Liu
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Parallel Processing, Algorithm Design
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 425
  • Job title: Distinguished Professor
  • Name: Hsueh-I Lu
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Algorithms, Graph theory
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 522
  • Job title: Professor
  • Name: Yuh-Dauh Lyuu
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Parallel Computation, Financial Computation, Theory of Computation
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 429
  • Job title: Professor
  • Name: Yen-Jen Oyang
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Bioinformatics, Knowledge Engineering, Machine Learning
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 431
  • Job title: Distinguished Professor (joint appointment)
  • Name: Ai-Chun Pang
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: 5G/6G Mobile Communication Network, Edge Intelligence, Internet-of-Things (IoT)
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 417
  • Job title: Professor
  • Name: Chi-Sheng Shih
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Real-Time Systems, Scheduling Theory, Resource Management, Embedded Systems
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 523
  • Job title: Professor
  • Name: Hsin-Mu (Michael) Tsai
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Vehicular Wireless Communications, Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Channel
    Measurements, Vehicular and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, and Network Security
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 316
  • Job title: Professor
  • Name: Yufeng Jane Tseng
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Computational Chemistry and Toxicology, Bioinformatics, Cheminformatics, Health Informatics
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 529
  • Job title: Distinguished Professor
  • Name: Jia-Ling Wu
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Digital Signal Processing, Data Compression, Multimedia System, Error-Correcting Codes
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 415
  • Job title: Associate Professor
  • Name: Fang-Jing Wu
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Mobile Computing, Pervasive Intelligence, Wireless Networks, Internet of Smart Things, Distributed Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence, Privacy-preserving Techniques
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 516
  • Job title: Professor
  • Name: Chia-Lin Yang
  • Email:
  • Research expertise: Low-power Embedded System, High Performance Processor Architecture, Storage System for Big Data
  • Personal website:
  • Extension: 411