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The faculty members of our department are very active in international organizations and play roles as program committee members and session chairs in many important conferences such Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (ACM RECOMB), IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, American Control Conference, IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), IEEE Real-Time Technology and Embedded Applications Symposium (RTAS), International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing (FTCS), IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD) and IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Explore. They also won many honors including four IEEE fellows, eight NSC outstanding research awards and three Sinica young researcher awards. In addition, they also work closely with the industry, owning patents and founding companies.
The research of our department can be categorized into four big research groups: "embedded systems", "high performance computing", "bioinformatics", and "Multimedia and Digital Content":
The "embedded systems" group is consisted of Intelligent Robotics and Automation Laboratory, System On Chip Laboratory, Embedding Computing Laboratory, Intelligent Space Laboratory, Low Power VSLI Laboratory, Wireless Network & Mobile Computing Laboratory. The group members are experienced in control and SOC design for industry and very collaborative with the industry. They also won a lot of honors such as IEEE fellows, NSC outstanding research awards and IEEE CSIDC 2003 championship.
The "high performance computing" group focuses on the design and analysis of algorithms. The research topics include parallel and distribution computation, scientistic computation and optimization. Applications include wireless communication, finance computation, computational physics and data mining. The members of this group have published papers in top journals and conferences such as SIAM Journal on Computing and Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC).
The members of the "Bioinformatics" group collaborate with the college of medicine, college of life science and NTU hospital. They are involved in the development of FASTA, a influential pioneer software for sequence analysis. They have achieved a lot in this area. For example, for classification, our faculty have taken a leading role in developing algorithms for SVM (support vector machine) and RBF (radial basis function). Thousands of users all over the world are using their software including LIBSVM and BSVM. They are also involved in many important national research projects for bioinformatics such as "national research program for genomic medicine" and "national program for biotechnology and pharmaceuticals".
The focus of For "Multimedia and Digital Content" research group is related to content science and media engineering. This group collaborates closely with Sinica, EE department, department of library and information science, institute of linguistics, institute of journalism and the department of drama and theatre. The research topics include editing and analysis for multimedia content, language analysis and so on. One member of this group, the communication and multimedia laboratory, is one of the pioneering research groups in multimedia research. For years, this lab has executed research projects worthy of more than 100 million NTD and transferred technology to many companies such as CyberLink and DigiMax.