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1977 Department founded
1978 Purchase of the deparment's first computers
1979 Co-found Building of Information with Campus Computer Center
1980 Expand the equipments of department
1981 Graduate program founded.
1982 Move to Building of Information.
1983 Graduation of the first class of graduate students
1984 Ph.D. program founded
1985 Awarded 1st and 2nd places of International Computer Contest
1986 Purchase of lots of equipments
1987 10th anniversary
1988 Visit od President Lee
1989 Purchase of NCUBE parallel computer
1990 Prof. I-Peng Lin as chairman
1991 Plan for four foundamental directions of researches
1992 Held International Conference of Parallel and Distributed System
1993 Move to new building
1994 CERICS was founded.
1995 Awarded 1st and 2nd places of FarEast programming contest
1996 Held Pacific Graphics'96
1997 Awarded 4th place of ACM programming contest
1998 The plan to expand one more class for undergraduate get 1st. priority
1999 The Master program for people on the job started
2000 CSIE join College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
2001 Awarded 2nd 3rd 4th 6th and 7th place of ACM Asia Regional programming contest