Chung-Wei Lin 林忠緯 Associate Professor Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering and Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia National Taiwan University E-mail: cwlin at [ CV | Research | Education | Publications | Group Members | Teaching | Experiences | Honors | Services ] |
My research interests include cyber-physical systems (CPS), connected and autonomous vehicles, security, and system design methodology. I worked for Toyota InfoTechnology Center, USA, Inc. before coming back to NTU in 2018. My recent projects cover diverse topics including, but not limited to, security and robustness of connected and autonomous vehicles, model-based design, systems engineering (especially verification), and industrial low-level control.
Ph.D. (2015), Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, BerkeleyM.S. (2007), Graduate Institute of Electronics Engineering, National Taiwan University
- Advisor: Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
B.S. (2005), Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University
- Advisor: Yao-Wen Chang
Journal Papers:Conference Papers:
- S. Boddupalli, C.-W. Lin, and S. Ray, "ReCAP: protecting cooperative adaptive cruise control against multi-channel perception adversary," in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS), vol. 25, no. 11, pp. 15702--15717, Nov. 2024.
- K.-E. Lin, K.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Chen, L.-H. Lin, Y.-H. Lee, C.-W. Lin, and I. H.-R. Jiang, "Graph-based deadlock analysis and prevention for robust intelligent intersection management," in ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS), vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 33:1--33:22, Jul. 2024.
- M. Khayatian, M. Mehrabian, I.-C. Tseng, C.-W. Lin, C. Belta, and A. Shrivastava, "Cooperative driving of connected autonomous vehicle using responsibility sensitive safety rules: a control barrier functions approach," in ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS), vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 25:1--25:26, Jul. 2024.
- M. Szeto, E. Andert, A. Shrivastava, M. Reisslein, C.-W. Lin, and C. Richmond, "B-AWARE: blockage aware RSU scheduling for 5G enabled autonomous vehicles," in ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), vol. 22, no. 5s, pp. 154:1--154:23, Sep. 2023.
- Y.-T. Hsieh, T.-T. Chang, C.-J. Tsai, S.-L. Wu, C.-Y. Bai, K.-C. Chang, C.-W. Lin, E. Kang, C. Huang, and Q. Zhu, "System verification and runtime monitoring with multiple weakly-hard constraints," in ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS), vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 21:1--21:28, Jul. 2023.
- C.-W. Lin, B. Kim, and S. Shiraishi, "Hardware virtualization and task allocation for plug-and-play automotive systems," in IEEE Design & Test (D&T), vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 65--73, Oct. 2021.
- S. Aoki, C.-W. Lin, and R. Rajkumar, "Human-robot cooperation for autonomous vehicles and human drivers: challenges and solutions," in IEEE Communications Magazine (COMMAG), vol. 59, no. 8, pp. 35--41, Aug. 2021.
- M. Sayin, C.-W. Lin, E. Kang, S. Shiraishi, and T. Başar, "Reliable smart road signs," in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS), vol. 21, no. 12, pp. 4995--5009, Dec. 2020.
- H. Wang, T. Liu, B. Kim, C.-W. Lin, S. Shiraishi, J. Xie, and Z. Han, "Architectural design alternatives based on cloud/edge/fog computing for connected vehicles," in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials (COMST), vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 2349--2377, Fourth Quarter, 2020.
- B. Zheng, C.-W. Lin, S. Shiraishi, and Q. Zhu, "Design and analysis of delay-tolerant intelligent intersection management," in ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS), vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 3:1--3:27, Nov. 2019.
- Y.-T. Lin, H. Hsu, S.-C. Lin, C.-W. Lin, I. H.-R. Jiang, and C. Liu, "Graph-based modeling, scheduling, and verification for intersection management of intelligent vehicles," in ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), vol. 18, no. 5s, pp. 95:1--95:21, Oct. 2019.
- M. Sayin, C.-W. Lin, S. Shiraishi, J. Shen, and T. Başar, "Information-driven autonomous intersection control via incentive compatible mechanisms," in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS), vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 912--924, Mar. 2019.
- C. Liu, C.-W. Lin, S. Shiraishi, and M. Tomizuka, "Distributed conflict resolution for connected autonomous vehicles," in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (T-IV), vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 18--29, Mar. 2018.
- T.-Y. Huang, C.-J. Chang, C.-W. Lin, S. Roy, and T.-Y. Ho, "Delay-bounded intra-vehicle network routing algorithm for minimization of wiring weight and wireless transmit power," in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 551--561, Apr. 2017.
- H. Yu, C.-W. Lin, and B. Kim, "Automotive software certification: current status and challenges," in SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars---Electronic and Electrical Systems, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 74--80, May. 2016.
- C.-W. Lin, B. Zheng, Q. Zhu, and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Security-aware design methodology and optimization for automotive systems," in ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES), vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 18:1--18:26, Nov. 2015. (2016 Best Paper Award)
- C.-W. Lin, L. Rao, P. Giusto, J. D'Ambrosio, and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Efficient wire routing and wire sizing for weight minimization of automotive systems," in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), vol. 34, no. 11, pp. 1730--1741, Nov. 2015.
- C.-W. Lin, Q. Zhu, and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Security-aware modeling and efficient mapping for CAN-based real-time distributed automotive systems," in IEEE Embedded Systems Letters (ESL), vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 11--14, Mar. 2015. (2015 Most Accessed ESL Paper)
- C.-W. Lin, L. Rao, J. D'Ambrosio, and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Electrical architecture optimization and selection---cost minimization via wire routing and wire sizing," in SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars---Electronic and Electrical Systems, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 502--509, Aug. 2014.
- C.-W. Lin and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Cyber-security for the Controller Area Network (CAN) communication protocol," in ASE Science Journal, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 80--92, Dec. 2012.
- C.-W. Lin, P.-W. Lee, Y.-W. Chang, C.-F. Shen, and W.-C. Tseng, "An efficient pre-assignment routing algorithm for flip-chip designs," in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 878--889, Jun. 2012.
- C.-W. Lin, S.-L. Huang, K.-C. Hsu, M.-X. Lee, and Y.-W. Chang, "Multi-layer obstacle-avoiding rectilinear Steiner tree construction based on spanning graphs," in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), vol. 27, no. 11, pp. 2007--2016, Nov. 2008.
- C.-H. Liu, H.-Y. Liu, C.-W. Lin, S.-J. Chou, Y.-W. Chang, S.-Y. Kuo, S.-Y. Yuan, and Y.-W. Chen, "An efficient graph-based algorithm for ESD current path analysis," in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), vol. 27, no. 8, pp. 1363--1375, Aug. 2008.
- C.-W. Lin, S.-Y. Chen, C.-F. Li, Y.-W. Chang, and C.-L. Yang, "Obstacle-avoiding rectilinear Steiner tree construction based on spanning graphs," in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 643--653, Apr. 2008.
Workshop Papers:
- Q. Wu, S. S. Zhan, Y. Wang, Y. Wang, C.-W. Lin, C. Lv, Q. Zhu, and C. Huang, "Variational delayed policy optimization," accepted and to appear in Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Vancouver, Canada, Dec. 2024. (Spotlight)
- Y.-C. Wu, I.-C. Tseng, and C.-W. Lin, "Deep-reinforcement-learning-based design space exploration for Time-Sensitive Networking," accepted and to appear in International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA), Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 2024.
- Q. Wu, S. S. Zhan, Y. Wang, Y. Wang, C.-W. Lin, C. Lv, Q. Zhu, J. Schmidhuber, and C. Huang, "Boosting reinforcement learning with strongly delayed feedback through auxiliary short delays," in International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), pp. 53973--53998, Vienna, Austria, Jul. 2024.
- C.-C. Chu, H. Ling, and C.-W. Lin, "Trigger-based scheduling and turning policy assignment for mixed-traffic intersection management," in IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), pp. 2261--2268, Jeju Island, Korea, Jun. 2024.
- M. Szeto, E. Andert, A. Shrivastava, M. Reisslein, C.-W. Lin, and C. Richmond, "B-AWARE: blockage aware RSU scheduling for 5G enabled autonomous vehicles," in ACM International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT), Hamburg, Germany, Sep. 2023. (Journal-Track Paper to ACM TECS)
- T.-Y. Tseng, D.-J. Huang, J.-Y. Lin, P.-J. Chang, C.-W. Lin, and C. Liu, "Consensus-based fault-tolerant platooning for connected and autonomous vehicles," in IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), pp. 1--8, Anchorage, AK, Jun. 2023.
- Y. Hung, L.-K. Chou, H.-H. Tsai, H.-C. Wang, C.-W. Lin, and B. Kim, "Edge-assisted service allocation and delivery for connected vehicles with variable velocities," in IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), pp. 112--119, Istanbul, Turkey, Apr. 2023.
- K.-C. Chang, X. Liu, C.-W. Lin, C. Huang, and Q. Zhu, "A safety-guaranteed framework for neural-network-based planners in connected vehicles under communication disturbance," in ACM/IEEE Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), pp. 1--6, Antwerp, Belgium, Apr. 2023.
- S.-C. Huang, K.-E. Lin, C.-Y. Kuo, L.-H. Lin, M. Sayin, and C.-W. Lin, "Reinforcement-learning-based job-shop scheduling for intelligent intersection management," in ACM/IEEE Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE) Special Initiative on Autonomous Systems Design (ASD), pp. 1--6, Antwerp, Belgium, Apr. 2023.
- P.-C. Chen, X. Liu, C.-W. Lin, C. Huang, and Q. Zhu, "Mixed-traffic intersection management utilizing connected and autonomous vehicles as traffic regulators," in ACM/IEEE Asia South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), pp. 52--57, Tokyo, Japan, Jan. 2023.
- S. Boddupalli, V. Chamarthi, C.-W. Lin, and S. Ray, "CAVeliEr: automated security evaluation for connected autonomous vehicle applications," in IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), pp. 4335--4340, Macau (Hybrid), China, Oct. 2022.
- S.-L. Wang, C. Lin, S. Boddupalli, C.-W. Lin, and S. Ray, "Deep-learning-based anomaly detection for lane-changing decisions," in IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), pp. 1536--1542, Aachen (Hybrid), Germany, Jun. 2022.
- L.-H. Lin, K.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Lee, K.-E. Lin, C.-W. Lin, and I. H.-R. Jiang, "Deadlock resolution for intelligent intersection management with changeable trajectories," in IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), pp. 573--579, Aachen (Hybrid), Germany, Jun. 2022.
- P.-Y. Huang*, K.-W. Liu*, Z.-L. Li, S. Park, E. Andert, C.-W. Lin, and A. Shrivastava, "Compatibility checking for autonomous lane-changing assistance systems," in ACM/IEEE Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), pp. 1161--1164, (Virtual), Mar. 2022.
- T.-L. Tsou, C.-W. Lin, and I. H.-R. Jiang, "Deadlock analysis and prevention for intersection management based on colored timed Petri nets," in ACM/IEEE Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE) Special Initiative on Autonomous Systems Design (ASD), pp. 124--127, (Virtual), Mar. 2022.
- C.-C. Chang, J. Pan, T. Zhang, Z. Xie, J. Hu, W. Qi, C.-W. Lin, R. Liang, J. Mitra, E. Fallon, and Y. Chen, "Automatic routability predictor development using neural architecture search," in IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), pp. 1--9, (Virtual), Nov. 2021.
- S.-C. Lin, C.-C. Kung, L. Lin, C.-W. Lin, and I. H.-R. Jiang, "Efficient mandatory lane changing of connected and autonomous vehicles," in IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), pp. 1--7, (Virtual), Sep. 2021.
- P.-Y. Huang, C.-C. Kung, and C.-W. Lin, "An integrated formulation and optimization for periodic timetabling of railway systems," in IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), pp. 2342--2349, Indianapolis (Hybrid), IN, Sep. 2021.
- S.-L. Wang, S.-Y. Wu, C.-C. Lin, S. Boddupalli, P.-J. Chang, C.-W. Lin, C.-S. Shih, and S. Ray, "Deep-learning-based intrusion detection for autonomous vehicle-following systems," in IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), pp. 865--872, Indianapolis (Hybrid), IN, Sep. 2021.
- T.-J. Hsieh, C.-S. Shih, C.-W. Lin, C.-W. Chen, and P.-K. Tsung, "Trajectory prediction at unsignalized intersections using social conditional generative adversarial network," in IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), pp. 844--851, Indianapolis (Hybrid), IN, Sep. 2021.
- M. Khayatian, M. Mehrabian, H. Allamsetti, K.-W. Liu, P.-Y. Huang, C.-W. Lin, and A. Shrivastava, "Cooperative driving of connected autonomous vehicles using responsibility-sensitive safety (RSS) rules," in ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), pp. 11--20, Nashville (Virtual), TN, May. 2021.
- C.-C. Fu, B.-H. Chia, and C.-W. Lin, (Invited) "Runtime software selection for adaptive automotive systems," in ACM/IEEE Asia South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), pp. 748--752, Tokyo (Virtual), Japan, Jan. 2021.
- S.-C. Lin, H. Hsu, Y.-T. Lin, C.-W. Lin, I. H.-R. Jiang, and C. Liu, "A dynamic programming approach to optimal lane merging of connected and autonomous vehicles," in IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), pp. 349--356, Las Vegas (Virtual), NV, Oct. 2020.
- S.-L. Wu*, C.-Y. Bai*, K.-C. Chang, Y.-T. Hsieh, C. Huang, C.-W. Lin, E. Kang, and Q. Zhu, "Efficient system verification with multiple weakly-hard constraints for runtime monitoring," in International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV), pp. 497--516, Los Angeles (Virtual), CA, Oct. 2020.
- C.-C. Chuang, T.-H. Yu, C.-W. Lin, A.-C. Pang, and T.-J. Hsieh, "Online stream-aware routing for TSN-based industrial control systems," in IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), pp. 254--261, Vienna (Hybrid), Austria, Sep. 2020.
- C. Huang*, K.-C. Chang*, C.-W. Lin, and Q. Zhu, "SAW: a tool for safety analysis of weakly-hard systems," in International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV), pp. 543--555, Los Angeles (Virtual), CA, Jul. 2020.
- H. Liu, C.-W. Lin, E. Kang, S. Shiraishi, and D. Blough, "A Byzantine-tolerant distributed consensus algorithm for connected vehicles using proof-of-eligibility," in ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM), pp. 225--234, Miami, FL, Nov. 2019.
- Y.-T. Lin, H. Hsu, S.-C. Lin, C.-W. Lin, I. H.-R. Jiang, and C. Liu, "Graph-based modeling, scheduling, and verification for intersection management of intelligent vehicles," in ACM International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT), New York, NY, Oct. 2019. (Journal-Track Paper to ACM TECS)
- T.-W. Huang, Y.-Y. Tsai, C.-W. Lin, and T.-Y. Ho, "Vehicle sequence reordering with cooperative adaptive cruise control," in ACM/IEEE Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), pp. 610--613, Florence, Italy, Mar. 2019.
- S. Raghavan, K. Watanabe, E. Kang, C.-W. Lin, Z. Jiang, and S. Shiraishi, "Property-driven runtime resolution of feature interactions," in International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV), pp. 316--333, Limassol, Cyprus, Nov. 2018.
- H. Liang, M. Jagielski, B. Zheng, C.-W. Lin, E. Kang, S. Shiraishi, C. Nita-Rotaru, and Q. Zhu, (Invited) "Network and system level security in connected vehicle applications," in IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), pp. 94:1--94:7, San Diego, CA, Nov. 2018.
- B. Kim, C.-W. Lin, E. Kang, N. Tomatsu, and S. Shiraishi, "Platform-independent QoS parameters and primitive APIs for automotive software," in IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), pp. 98--104, Maui, HI, Nov. 2018.
- I. Romeo, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, C.-W. Lin, and E. Kang, "Quotient for assume-guarantee contracts," in ACM/IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for System Design (MEMOCODE), pp. 67--77, Beijing, China, Oct. 2018.
- T. Chowdhury, E. Lesiuta, K. Rikley, C.-W. Lin, E. Kang, B. Kim, S. Shiraishi, M. Lawford, and A. Wassyng, "Safe and secure automotive over the air updates," in International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security (SAFECOMP), pp. 172--187, Vasteras, Sweden, Sep. 2018.
- D. Gangadharan, O. Sokolsky, I. Lee, B. Kim, C.-W. Lin, and S. Shiraishi, "Bandwidth optimal data/service delivery for connected vehicles via edges," in IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), pp. 106--113, San Francisco, CA, Jul. 2018.
- M. Sayin, C.-W. Lin, S. Shiraishi, and T. Başar, "Reliable intersection control in non-cooperative environments," in AACC/IEEE American Control Conference (ACC), pp. 609--614, Milwaukee, WI, Jun. 2018.
- C. Liu, C.-W. Lin, S. Shiraishi, and M. Tomizuka, "Improving efficiency of autonomous vehicles by V2V communication," in AACC/IEEE American Control Conference (ACC), pp. 4778--4783, Milwaukee, WI, Jun. 2018.
- K. Watanabe, E. Kang, C.-W. Lin, and S. Shiraishi, (Invited) "Runtime monitoring for safety of intelligent vehicles," in ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), pp. 31:1--31:6, San Francisco, CA, Jun. 2018.
- M. Jagielski, N. Jones, C.-W. Lin, C. Nita-Rotaru, and S. Shiraishi, "Threat detection for collaborative adaptive cruise control in connected cars," in ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec), pp. 184--189, Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 2018.
- B. Zheng, M. Sayin, C.-W. Lin, S. Shiraishi, and Q. Zhu, (Invited) "Timing and security analysis of VANET-based intelligent transportation systems," in IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), pp. 984--991, Irvine, CA, Nov. 2017.
- W. Zuo, L.-N. Pouchet, A. Ayupov, T. Kim, C.-W. Lin, S. Shiraishi, and D. Chen, "Accurate high-level modeling and automated hardware/software co-design for effective SoC design space exploration," in ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), pp. 78:1--78:6, Austin, TX, Jun. 2017.
- B. Zheng, C.-W. Lin, H. Liang, S. Shiraishi, W. Li, and Q. Zhu, (Invited) "Delay-aware design, analysis and verification of intelligent intersection management," in IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), pp. 1--8, Hong Kong, China, May. 2017.
- B. Aygun, C.-W. Lin, S. Shiraishi, and A. Wyglinski, "Selective message relaying for multi-hopping vehicular networks," in IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), pp. 1--8, Columbus, OH, Dec. 2016.
- B. Zheng, C.-W. Lin, H. Yu, H. Liang, and Q. Zhu, (Invited) "CONVINCE: a cross-layer modeling, exploration and validation framework for next-generation connected vehicles," in IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), pp. 37:1--37:8, Austin, TX, Nov. 2016.
- D. Gangadharan, J. H. Kim, O. Sokolsky, B. Kim, C.-W. Lin, S. Shiraishi, and I. Lee, (Invited) "Platform-based plug and play of automotive safety features: challenges and directions," in IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), pp. 76--84, Daegu, Korea, Aug. 2016.
- B. Zheng, H. Liang, Q. Zhu, H. Yu, and C.-W. Lin, (Invited) "Next generation automotive architecture modeling and exploration for autonomous driving," in IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), pp. 53--58, Pittsburgh, PA, Jul. 2016.
- C.-W. Lin and H. Yu, (Invited) "Cooperation or competition? Coexistence of safety and security in next-generation Ethernet-based automotive networks," in ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), pp. 52:1--52:6, Austin, TX, Jun. 2016.
- D. Gangadharan, O. Sokolsky, I. Lee, B. Kim, C.-W. Lin, and S. Shiraishi, "Platform-based automotive safety features," in SAE World Congress & Exhibition, Detroit, MI, Apr. 2016.
- H. Yu, C.-W. Lin, and B. Kim, "Automotive software certification: current status and challenges," in SAE World Congress & Exhibition, Detroit, MI, Apr. 2016. (Selected to SAE Journal)
- T.-Y. Huang, C.-J. Chang, C.-W. Lin, S. Roy, and T.-Y. Ho, "Intra-vehicle network routing algorithm for weight and wireless transmit power minimization," in ACM/IEEE Asia South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), pp. 273--278, Chiba/Tokyo, Japan, Jan. 2015. (Best Paper Nominee)
- C.-W. Lin, Q. Zhu, and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Security-aware mapping for TDMA-based real-time distributed systems," in IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), pp. 24--31, San Jose, CA, Nov. 2014.
- C.-W. Lin, T.-H. Hsu, X.-W. Shih, and Y.-W. Chang, "Buffered clock tree synthesis considering self-heating effects," in ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED), pp. 111--116, La Jolla, CA, Aug. 2014.
- C.-W. Lin, L. Rao, P. Giusto, J. D'Ambrosio, and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "An efficient wire routing and wire sizing algorithm for weight minimization of automotive systems," in ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), pp. 19:1--19:6, San Francisco, CA, Jun. 2014.
- C.-W. Lin, L. Rao, J. D'Ambrosio, and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Electrical architecture optimization and selection---cost minimization via wire routing and wire sizing," in SAE World Congress & Exhibition, Detroit, MI, Apr. 2014. (Selected to SAE Journal)
- C.-W. Lin, Q. Zhu, C. Phung, and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Security-aware mapping for CAN-based real-time distributed automotive systems," in IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), pp. 115--121, San Jose, CA, Nov. 2013.
- C.-W. Lin, M. Di Natale, H. Zeng, L. T. X. Phan, and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Timing analysis of process graphs with finite communication buffers," in IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), pp. 227--236, Philadelphia, PA, Apr. 2013.
- S.-Y. Fang, C.-W. Lin, G.-W. Liao, and Y.-W. Chang, "Simultaneous OPC- and CMP-aware routing based on accurate closed-form modeling," in ACM International Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD), pp. 77--84, Stateline, NV, Mar. 2013. (Best Paper Nominee)
- C.-W. Lin and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Cyber-security for the Controller Area Network (CAN) communication protocol," in ASE International Conference on Cyber Security (CyberSecurity), pp. 344--350, Washington, DC, Dec. 2012. (Top 3% Paper)
- S.-L. Huang, C.-W. Lin, and Y.-W. Chang, "Efficient provably good OPC modeling and its applications to interconnect optimization," in IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), pp. 336--341, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Oct. 2010. (Best Paper Award)
- P.-W. Lee, C.-W. Lin, Y.-W. Chang, C.-F. Shen, and W.-C. Tseng, "An efficient pre-assignment routing algorithm for flip-chip designs," in IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), pp. 239--244, San Jose, CA, Nov. 2009.
- C.-W. Lin, S.-L. Huang, K.-C. Hsu, M.-X. Lee, and Y.-W. Chang, "Efficient multi-layer obstacle-avoiding rectilinear Steiner tree construction," in IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), pp. 380--385, San Jose, CA, Nov. 2007.
- C.-W. Lin, S.-Y. Chen, C.-F. Li, Y.-W. Chang, and C.-L. Yang, "Efficient obstacle-avoiding rectilinear Steiner tree construction," in ACM International Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD), pp. 127--134, Austin, TX, Mar. 2007. (Best Paper Nominee)
- C.-W. Lin, M.-C. Tsai, K.-Y. Lee, T.-C. Chen, T.-C. Wang, and Y.-W. Chang, (Invited) "Recent research and emerging challenges in physical design for manufacturability/reliability," in ACM/IEEE Asia South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), pp. 238--243, Yokohama, Japan, Jan. 2007.
- H.-Y. Liu, C.-W. Lin, S.-J. Chou, W.-T. Tu, C.-H. Liu, Y.-W. Chang, and S.-Y. Kuo, "Current path analysis for electrostatic discharge protection," in IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), pp. 510--515, San Jose, CA, Nov. 2006.
- C.-W. Lin, Y.-C. Chen, and A.-C. Pang, "A new resource allocation scheme for IEEE 802.16-based networks," in IEEE VTS Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS), Daejeon, Korea, Aug. 2006.
Short Papers, Report, Posters, and Extended Abstracts:
- Y. Saltan, A. Kosay, C.-W. Lin, M. Sayin, (Invited) "Strategic control of intersections for efficient traffic routing without tolls," accepted and to appear in IFAC Workshop on Cyber-Physical Human Systems (CPHS), Antalya, Turkey, Dec. 2024.
- C.-C. Kung, T.-L. Tsou, and C.-W. Lin, "Intelligent intersection management with non-connected and non-autonomous motorcycles," IEEE/ACM CPS-IoT Week Workshop on Design Automation for CPS and IoT (DESTION), pp. 39--48, Sydney (Virtual), Australia, Apr. 2020.
- T. Liu, J. Li, B. Kim, C.-W. Lin, S. Shiraishi, J. Xie, and Z. Han, "Distributed file allocation using matching game in mobile fog-caching service network," in IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Integrating Edge Computing, Caching, and Offloading in Next Generation Networks (IECCO), pp. 499--504, Honolulu, HI, Apr. 2018.
- T. Chowdhury, C.-W. Lin, B. Kim, M. Lawford, S. Shiraishi, and A. Wassyng, "Principles for systematic development of an assurance case template from ISO 26262," in IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW), pp. 69--72, Toulouse, France, Oct. 2017.
- C.-W. Lin, S. Shiraishi, and B. Kim, "An Amanat-based multi-party certification protocol for outsourced software in automotive systems," in IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW), pp. 13--16, Ottawa, Canada, Oct. 2016.
- P. Joshi, V. Ganesan, H. Zeng, S. Shukla, C.-W. Lin, and H. Yu, (Invited) "Design space exploration for deterministic Ethernet-based architecture of automotive systems," in IEEE International High-Level Design Validation and Test Workshop (HLDVT), pp. 53--61, Santa Cruz, CA, Oct. 2016.
- H. Yu and C.-W. Lin, "Security concerns for automotive communication and software architecture," in IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Cross-Layer Cyber-Physical Systems Security (CPSS), pp. 600--603, San Francisco, CA, Apr. 2016. (Best Paper Award)
Book and Book Chapters:
- J. Kwon, B. Kim, Y.-Y. Chen, and C.-W. Lin, "Landing-type aware multi-drone route generation for last-mile delivery service," in ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), pp. 281--282, Hong Kong, China, May. 2024.
- C.-W. Lin, "Design automation challenges for automotive systems," in ACM International Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD), pp. 263, Taipei, Taiwan, Mar. 2024.
- P.-W. Wang, Y.-C. Tseng, and C.-W. Lin, (Invited) "An efficient and smooth path planner based on hybrid A* search and Frenet frames," in EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems and Smart Vehicles (SmartSP), pp. 75--82, Chicago, IL, Oct. 2023.
- P. Y. Law, C.-C. Tsai, T. W. Fok, C.-T. Wang, C.-H. Chang, T.-Y. Chin, Y.-C. Liao, J.-K. Lee, and C.-W. Lin, "Secure medical data management based on homomorphic encryption and secret sharing," in IEEE International Conference on Smart Cloud (SmartCloud), pp. 95--98, Tokyo, Japan, Sep. 2023.
- M. Al Faruque and C.-W. Lin, "Report of the Fourth International Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems (DACPS) 2019," in IEEE Design & Test (D&T), vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 84--85, Dec. 2019.
- C.-W. Lin, "From electronic design automation to automotive design automation," in ACM International Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD), pp. 101, San Francisco, CA, Apr. 2019.
- C.-W. Lin, "Formal QoS compatibility verification for components on Time-Sensitive Networking," in IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), pp. 1--2, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 2018.
- Y.-T. Lin, C.-W. Lin, I. H.-R. Jiang, and C. Liu, "Distributed coordination and centralized scheduling for automobiles at intersections," in Machine Learning and Optimization Techniques for Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems, pp. 81--117, Springer, Mar. 2023.
- W. Chang, S. Burton, C.-W. Lin, Q. Zhu, L. Gauerhof, and J. McDermid, "Intelligent and connected cyber-physical systems: a perspective from connected autonomous vehicles," in Intelligent Internet of Things: From Device to Fog and Cloud, pp. 357--392, Springer, Jan. 2020.
- C.-W. Lin, B. Zheng, H. Liang, and Q. Zhu, "Platform-based design for automotive and transportation cyber-physical systems," in Design Automation of Cyber-Physical Systems, pp. 21--40, Springer, May. 2019.
- C.-W. Lin and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Security-aware design for cyber-physical systems: a platform-based approach," Springer, Jan. 2017.
- M. Sayin, C.-W. Lin, and S. Shiraishi, "Managing roadway intersections for vehicles," US Patent 11,151,869, Oct. 2021.
- C.-W. Lin, B. Kim, and S. Shiraishi, "Caching electronic control unit mapping solutions for connected vehicles," US Patent 11,074,108, Jul. 2021.
- C.-W. Lin and Z. Jiang, "Digital behavioral twin system for intersection management in connected environments," US Patent 11,043,122, Jun. 2021.
- Q. Ju, B. Kim, C.-W. Lin, and S. Shiraishi, "Edge-assisted data transmission for connected vehicles," US Patent 10,904,891, Jan. 2021. (JP Patent 6,922,937)
- C.-W. Lin and S. Shiraishi, "Accuracy system for connected vehicles," US Patent 10,843,703, Nov. 2020. (JP Patent 6,737,324)
- B. Kim, C.-W. Lin, and S. Shiraishi, "Vehicle with improved I/O latency of ADAS system features operating on an OS hypervisor," US Patent 10,788,990, Sep. 2020.
- B. Kim, C.-W. Lin, and S. Shiraishi, "On-demand street lighting for a connected vehicle," US Patent 10,568,188, Feb. 2020.
- S. Dai, N. Arechiga, C.-W. Lin, and S. Shiraishi, "Augmented reality vehicular assistance for color blindness," US Patent 10,527,849, Jan. 2020. (JP Patent 6,729,636)
- C.-W. Lin, B. Kim, and S. Shiraishi, "Efficient mapping from task graphs to dynamic system platforms," US Patent 10,503,544, Dec. 2019.
- S. Dai, N. Arechiga, C.-W. Lin, and S. Shiraishi, "Personalized augmented reality vehicular assistance for color blindness condition," US Patent 10,423,844, Sep. 2019.
- C.-W. Lin, B. Kim, and S. Shiraishi, "Hierarchical structures of online computation for connected vehicles," US Patent 10,298,677, May. 2019.
- C.-W. Lin and S. Shiraishi, "Implementation decision to provide ADAS function update for a vehicle," US Patent 10,248,410, Apr. 2019. (JP Patent 6,677,276)
- B. Kim, C.-W. Lin, and S. Shiraishi, "Selective remote control of ADAS functionality of vehicle," US Patent 10,203,699, Feb. 2019. (JP Patent 6,729,739)
- S. Shiraishi, M. Yamaura, and C.-W. Lin, "User profile-based automatic parameter tuning system for connected vehicles," US Patent 10,202,127, Feb. 2019. (JP Patent 6,428,835)
- C.-W. Lin, H. Yu, and B. Zheng, "Supervising method for dynamic and large data loads in automotive systems," US Patent 10,124,779, Nov. 2018.
- H. Yu, B. Zheng, and C.-W. Lin, "Compatibility module to support an automotive system upgrade," US Patent 10,001,988, Jun. 2018. (JP Patent 6,245,388)
- B. Kim, C.-W. Lin, and S. Shiraishi, "Personalized medical emergency autopilot system based on portable medical device data," US Patent 9,932,041, Apr. 2018. (JP Patent 6,508,258)
- C.-F. Chang, C.-F. Shen, H.-S. Chiu, I.-J. Lin, T.-C. Hsu, Y.-W. Chang, C.-W. Lin, and P.-W. Lee, "Routing method for flip chip package and apparatus using the same metal layer," US Patent 8,578,317, Oct. 2010.
- C.-W. Lin, "Security mechanisms and security-aware mapping for real-time distributed embedded systems," Ph.D. Thesis, University of California, Berkeley, Aug. 2015.
- C.-W. Lin, "Efficient obstacle-avoiding rectilinear Steiner tree construction," M.S. Thesis, National Taiwan University, Jun. 2007.
Current: 2+7+3+4+3+1=19+1Alumni: (6+3+5+3+4+7)+(1+11+18+17+10+9+4)=98
- Ph.D. Students: Pintusorn Suttiponpisarn, I-Ching Tseng
- M.S. Students (Class of 2025): Chien-Yi Chien, Yi-Ying Chen, Kuang-Liang Tseng, Wei-Chieh Liu, Zih-Ming Li, Bo-Ting Guo, Pin-Chun Huang
- M.S. Students (Class of 2026): Wei-Yen Chang, Jyun-Jhe Wang, Yi-Hao Ho
- M.S. Students (Class of 2027): Heng-Yi Liu, Ching-Yun Chang, Zheng-Yue Wang, Wan-Ling Weng
- Senior Students: Chien-Sheng Chiang, Ching-Chun Yang, Jia-Cian Li
- Sophomore Student: Hao-Tse Hsiao
- M.S. Graduates (2024):
- Chung-Chi Wang, "Timing analysis and optimization in Time-Sensitive Networking," 2024.
- Tsung-Ying Kuo, "Extensibility-aware network routing for industrial control systems," 2024.
- Kai-En Lin, Under Submission, 2024.
- Chen-Jun Tsai, "Verifying system properties with dual weakly-hard constraints," 2024.
- Chia-Ching Chu, "Trigger-based scheduling and turning policy assignment for mixed-traffic intersection management," 2024.
- Po Ying Law, "Efficient routing algorithms for electric vehicle charging via dynamic charging roads," 2024.
- M.S. Graduates (2023):
- Ben-Hau Chia, "Cooperative and secure multi-agent positioning on real coordinates based on satisfiability modulo theories," 2023.
- Chien Lin, "Deep-learning-based anomaly detection for connected and autonomous vehicles in lane-changing scenarios," 2023.
- Shao-Fu Huang, "Lane-merging and lane-expanding passing-order decision for connected and autonomous vehicles," 2023.
- M.S. Graduates (2022):
- Cheng-Pei Chien, "Efficient passing-order decision for lane merging of connected and autonomous vehicles," 2022.
- Liang-Kuan Chou, "Edge-computing-based service allocation and delivery for connected vehicles with variable velocities," 2022.
- Yi-Ting Hsieh, "Verification and schedulability analysis for cyber-physical systems with multiple weakly-hard constraints," 2022.
- Jia-You Lin, "Consensus-based fault-tolerant platooning for connected and autonomous vehicles," 2022.
- Sheng-Li Wang, "Deep-learning-based anomaly detection for connected and autonomous vehicles," 2022.
- M.S. Graduates (2021):
- Kuan-Chun Wang, "Modeling and scheduling for robustness of intelligent intersection management," 2021.
- Ssu-Tsen Hou, "Cooperative and secure multi-agent positioning based on satisfiability modulo theories," 2021.
- Li-Yeou Wang, "Edge-computing-based task allocation and scheduling for connected and autonomous vehicles," 2021.
- M.S. Graduates (2020):
- Chia-Ching Fu, "Software selection for adaptive plug-and-play automotive systems," 2020.
- Kai-Chieh Chang, "Formal verification on weakly-hard systems," 2020. (Outstanding Master Thesis Award, Institute of Information and Computing Machinery (Taiwan))
- Sing-Yao Wu, "Deep-learning-based intrusion detection for cooperative adaptive cruise control," 2020.
- Ching-Chin Hung, "Robust scheduling for intelligent intersection management considering denial-of-service attacks," 2020.
- Graduate-Level Alumni: Hua-Hung Lung, Chi-Sung Yuan, Yang Chen, Po-Yu Huang, Chen-Chia Chang, Da Lai, Cheng-Yuan Zeng
- Undergraduate Alumnus (2025): Yung-Ching Lai
- Undergraduate Alumni (2024): Sin-Ruei Yang, Ching-Yen Yang, Chung-En Ho, Cheng-Kai Chang, Kun-Yu Li, Yun Wang, Hsuan Ling, Pin-Wen Wang, Yi-Chi Tseng, Tien-Hsing Lin, Yao-Ting Huang
- Undergraduate Alumni (2023): Wei-Yu Chen, Hong-Wen Shen, Rong-Jyu Shih, Yu-Hsin Chan, Yu-Cheng Wu, Ying-Hua Lee, Zhong-Yu Sui, Yung-Ta Chang, Ding-Jiun Huang, Hsu-Huai Tsai, Hsiang-Yu Chang, Kai-Chun Chang, Qing-Jin Wu, Yi Hung, Shao-Ching Huang, Pei-Huan Tsai, Tzu-Yen Tseng, Yi-Han Wang
- Undergraduate Alumni (2022): Cheng-Yen Kuo, Jhen-Syuan Wu, Pin-Chun Chen, Yu-Heng Chen, Hsi-Chuang Wang, Yu-Feng Chen, Jie Chien, Ching-Chu Lin, Yi-Jun Huang, Li-Heng Lin, Yi-Chin Shang, Ting-Wei Wu, Zong-Lun Li, Chun-Tong Chao, Yu-Yen Ho, Tzu-Tao Chang, Kai-Wei Liu
- Undergraduate Alumni (2021): Shao-Wei Lin, Ching-Yuan Bai, Zi-Xiang Lin, Kai-Lun Yen, Bo-Sheng Huang, Wen-Yen Huang, Li-Kai Chuang, Che-An Wu, Tsung-Lin Tsou, Lee Lin
- Undergraduate Alumni (2020): Hang-Sheng Chen, Chia-Chu Kung, Dao-Jan Chang, Pin-Yen Huang, Yi-Hung Lai, Po-Jui Chang, Shih-Lun Wu, Yu-Wen Chen, Chen Lin
- Undergraduate Alumni (2019): Yu-Wei Ko, Tzu-Shen Wang, Chia-Ho Wu, Yen-Ta Lin (NTUST)
Solo-Taught (SE = Student Evaluation):Co-Taught:
- CSIE2344: Digital Systems Design and Laboratory, NTU, Spring 2019--2025
- [SE = 4.69, 4.74, 4.69, 4.79, 4.66, 4.76, Ongoing / 5.0]
- CSIE5452: Introduction to Intelligent Vehicles, NTU, Fall 2018--2022, Spring 2024--2025
- [SE = 4.77, 4.64, 4.87, 4.81, 4.73, 4.78, Ongoing / 5.0]
- CSIE3110: Formal Languages and Automata Theory (English), NTU, Fall 2023--2024
- [SE = 4.48, 4.75 / 5.0]
- CSIE3310: Operating Systems, NTU, Spring 2021--2023
- [SE = 4.65, 4.45, 4.59 / 5.0]
- CSIE3311: Computer System Laboratory, NTU, Fall 2019
- [SE = 4.51 / 5.0]
- CS70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory, UC Berkeley, Summer 2015
- [SE = 6.2 / 7.0] (~300 Students, 11 Teaching Assistants, 14 Readers)
- IMP5007 (CSIE 5742): Special Topics in Innovative Integration of Medicine and EECS (II), NTU, Spring 2020--2025
- [SE = 4.17, 4.69, 4.60, 4.70, 5.00, Ongoing / 5.0]
- IMP5005 (CSIE 5026, CSIE 5741): Special Topics in Innovative Integration of Medicine and EECS (I), NTU, Fall 2019--2024
- [SE = 4.46, 4.79, 4.67, 4.82, 4.91, 4.80 / 5.0]
- CSIE3015: Computer Science and Information Technology (I), NTU, Fall 2018--2021
- [SE = 4.42, 4.65, 4.66, 4.49 / 5.0]
- Chair, Intelligent Medicine Program, NTU 2023.08--Present
- Associate Chair, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, NTU 2023.08--Present
- Associate Director, DELTA-NTU Joint Research and Development Center, EECS, NTU 2022.05--Present
- Leader, Information Division, School of Professional Education and Continuing Studies, NTU, 2021.09--Present
- Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia, NTU, 2018.08--2021.07
- Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, NTU, 2018.08--2021.07
- Researcher, Systems and Software Division, Toyota InfoTechnology Center, USA, Inc., 2015.09--2018.07
- Graduate Student Instructor, Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory, UC Berkeley, 2015.06--2015.08
- Graduate Student Instructor (TA) [SE = 4.9 / 5.0], Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory, UC Berkeley, 2014.01--2014.05
- Graduate Student Instructor (TA) [SE = 4.7 / 5.0], Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory, UC Berkeley, 2013.01--2013.05
- Summer Intern, General Motors, 2013.05--2013.08, 2012.05--2012.08, 2011.05--2011.08
- Research Assistant (Joint Project with Synopsys Taiwan), NTU, 2009.02--2009.07
- Military Instructor in Information System (Second Lieutenant), R.O.C. Army, 2007.11--2008.06
- Compulsory Military Service, R.O.C. Army, 2007.07--2008.06
- Research Assistant (Joint Project with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company), NTU, 2006.05--2007.06
- Teaching Assistant, Nonlinear Programming, NTU, 2007.02--2007.06
- Teaching Assistant, Logic Synthesis and Verification, NTU, 2006.09--2007.01
- Jen-Min Distinguished Young Scholar Chair, 2024.07
- The 1st Place, National Collegiate Faculty Softball Game, 2024.07
- The 1st Place, Team Competition (Division II), National Collegiate Faculty Tennis Game, 2023.11
- Distinguished Mentoring Award, NTU, 2023.09
- Distinguished Teaching Award, NTU, 2022.09
- Academic Contribution Award, EECS, NTU, 2021.12
- The 2nd Place, Team Competition (Division II), National Collegiate Faculty Tennis Game, 2021.11
- Outstanding Teaching Award, NTU, 2021.09
- Distinguished Promotion Award, Program of IoT Course Promotion, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2021.06
- Young Scholar Fellowship (Einstein Program), Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2019.02
- Yushan Young Fellowship, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2023.08, 2018.08
- Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award, UC Berkeley, 2015.05
- EECS Department Fellowship, EECS, UC Berkeley, 2009.08
- The Best Master Thesis Award, GIEE, NTU, 2007.12
- The 1st Prize, Youth Thesis Award, Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, 2007.12
- The 2nd Prize, Master Thesis Award, Institute of Information and Computing Machinery (Taiwan), 2007.12
- The 2nd Prize, Lam Thesis Award, Lam Research Corporation, 2007.12
- The 1st Prize, IC/CAD Contest, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2007.07
- Member of Phi-Tau-Phi Scholastic Honor Society (Top 3% Graduate Students), 2007.06
- Incentia Scholarship (Rank 1st in Program Entrance of EDA Group), 2005.09
- Member of Phi-Tau-Phi Scholastic Honor Society (Top 1% Undergraduate Students), 2005.06
- Two-Time Champion, Tennis Team Competition (Division II), National Collegiate Games, 2006.04, 2004.03
- Six-Time Presidential Award (Top 5% Students), NTU, 2005.04, 2004.10, 2004.04, 2003.04, 2002.10, 2002.04
- Chair, International Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems (DACPS), 2022
- Co-Chair, IEEE International Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems (DACPS), 2019, 2018
- Co-Organizer, IEEE ITSC Workshop on Internet of Things in Intelligent Transportation Systems: Opportunities and Challenges (IoT in ITS), 2021
- Friday Workshop Chair, ACM/IEEE DATE Initiative on Autonomous Systems Design (ASD), 2022
- Publicity Chair, IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 2024, 2023
- Publicity Chair, IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), 2024
- Publicity Chair, IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), 2022
- Publicity Chair, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), 2021
- Special Session Chair, IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS), 2019
- Technical Program Committee Co-Chair, EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems and Smart Vehicles (SmartSP), 2023
- Technical Program Committee Secretary, ACM/IEEE Asia South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 2024
- Automotive Committee Member, ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2017
- Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), 2025
- Technical Program Committee Member, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), 2025, 2023, 2022, 2021
- Technical Program Committee Member, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021
- Technical Program Committee Member, ACM/IEEE Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021
- Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 2024, 2022, 2021, 2020
- Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), 2024
- Technical Program Committee Member, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), 2024
- Technical Program Committee Member, International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV), 2024, 2021, 2020
- Technical Program Committee Member, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS), 2024, 2023, 2022
- Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), 2024, 2023, 2022
- Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT), 2024
- Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), 2024, 2023, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
- Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology (RTAS), 2024
- Technical Program Committee Member, ACM/IEEE Asia South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 2024, 2023, 2020, 2019, 2016
- Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring), 2022, 2021, 2019
- Technical Program Committee Member, ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017
- Technical Program Committee Member, ACM International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT), 2021
- Technical Program Committee Member, ACM Workshop on Automotive Cybersecurity (AutoSec), 2021, 2020, 2019
- Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES), 2020, 2019, 2018
- Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (DSC), 2018
- Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES), 2018, 2017, 2016
- Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE International Symposium on Nanoelectronic and Information Systems (iNIS), 2017, 2016, 2015
- Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS), 2016, 2015
- Associate Editor, IEEE Embedded Systems Letters (ESL)
- Guest Editor, Special Issue on Security and Privacy of Intelligent Vehicles, IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoT-J)
- Guest Editor, Special Issue on Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC) 2024, Elsevier Integration
- Journal Reviewer, IEEE/ACM TNET, SAE JCAV
- Conference Reviewer, IEEE/ACM ICCAD, SAE WCX