2016/06 |
Our full papers "End-to-End Memory Networks with Knowledge Carryover for Multi-Turn Spoken Language Understanding" and "Multi-Domain Joint Semantic Frame Parsing using Bi-directional RNN-LSTM" are accepted by INTERSPEECH 2016.
[program] |
2016/01 |
Our full papers "AppDialogue: Multi-App Dialogues for Intelligent" and "AIMU: Actionable Items for Meeting Understanding" are accepted by LREC 2016.
[program] |
2016/01 |
During 01/07 afternoon (13:00-14:00), I am invited to give a talk about my dissertation "Unsupervised Learning and Modeling of Knowledge and Intent for Spoken Dialogue Systems" at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
2016/01 |
During 01/06 afternoon (13:30-14:30), I am invited to give a talk about my thesis work "Sorry, I didn't get that! -- Statistical Learning of Dialogues for Intelligence Assistants" at National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
2015/12 |
During 12/31 afternoon (14:30-15:30), I am invited to give a talk in the AI class about my thesis work "Unsupervised Learning and Modeling of Knowledge and Intent for Spoken Dialogue Systems" at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
2015/12 |
Our full papers "Zero-Shot Learning of Intent Embeddings for Expansion by Convolutional Deep Structured Semantic Models" and "Unsupervised User Intent Modeling by Feature-Enriched Matrix Factorization" are accepted by ICASSP 2016.
[program] |
2015/12 |
During 12/17 morning (11:00-12:30), I will present my paper "Detecting Actionable Items in Meetings by Convolutional Deep Structured Semantic Models" at ASRU 2015, Scottsdale, AZ.
2015/12 |
During 12/11 afternoon (13:30-15:00), I will present my extended abstracts "Learning Bidirectional Intent Embeddings by Convolutional Deep Structred Semantic Models for Spoken Language Understanding" and "Matrix Factorization with Domain Knowledge and Behavioral Patterns for Intent Modeling" at NIPS-SLU 2015, Scottsdale, AZ.
2015/11 |
During 11/11 morning (11:20-11:35), I will present my short paper "Leveraging Behavioral Patterns of Mobile Applications for Personalized Spoken Language Understanding" at ICMI 2015, Seattle, WA.
2015/11 |
During 11/06 morning (9:00-10:30), I am invited to give a talk about my recent research
"Unsupervised Leanring and Modeling of Knowledge and Intent for Spoken Language Understanding"
at Microsoft Research (99/3300), Redmond, WA.
2015/11 |
During 11/05 morning (11:00-12:30), I am invited to give a talk about my recent research
"Unsupervised Leanring and Modeling of Knowledge and Intent from Dialogues"
at VoiceBox Technologies Corporation, Bellevue, WA.
2015/10 |
During 10/23 afternoon (14:20-15:20), I am invited to give a talk about my recent research
"Sorry, I didn't get that! -- Statistical Learning of Dialogues for Intelligent Assistants"
at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
2015/10 |
During 10/21 morning (10:00-12:00), I am invited to give a talk about my recent research
"Ontology Learning and Intent Modeling for Spoken Language Understanding" at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
2015/10 |
<ASRU 2015 Travel Grants> with reimbursement of attending ASRU 2015, Scottsdale, AZ.
2015/09 |
During 09/08 afternoon (14:00-16:00), I will present my full paper "Learning Semantic Hierarchy with Distributed Representations for Unsupervised Spoken Language Understanding" at INTERSPEECH 2015, Dresden, Germany.
2015/09 |
During 09/08 morning (9:00-11:00), I will present my full paper "Learning OOV Through Semantic Relatedness in Spoken Dialog Systems" at INTERSPEECH, Dresden, Germany.
2015/08 |
Our full paper "Detecting Actionable Items in Meetings by Convolutional Deep Structured Semantic Models"
is accepted by ASRU 2015.
[program] |
2015/08 |
Our short paper "Leveraging Behavioral Patterns of Mobile Applications for Personalized Spoken Language Understanding"
is accepted by ICMI 2015 as an oral paper.
[program] |
2015/08 |
During 08/07 afternoon (2:00-3:00), I will present my internship work "Detecting Actionable Items in Meetings by Convolutional Deep Structured Semantic Models" at Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA.
2015/07 |
During 07/31 afternoon (3:00-4:00), I am invited to give a talk about my research "Matrix Factorization with Knowledge Graph Propagation for Unsupervised Spoken Language Understanding" at Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, China.
2015/07 |
During 07/28 afternoon (4:30-4:45 and 6:00-7:30), I will present my thesis proposal "Unsupervised Learning and Modeling of Knowledge and Intent for Spoken Dialogue Systems" at ACL-IJCNLP 2015, Beijing, China. [program]
2015/07 |
During 07/27 afternoon (3:30-4:15), I will present my long paper "Matrix Factorization with Knowledge Graph Propagation for Unsupervised Spoken Language Understanding" at ACL-IJCNLP 2015, Beijing, China. [program]
2015/06 |
Our full papers "Learning Semantic Hierarchy with Distributional Representations for Unsupervised Spoken Language Understanding" and
"Learning OOV through Semantic Relatedness in Spoken Dialog Systems"
are accepted by INTERSPEECH 2015.
[program] |
2015/05 |
Our thesis proposal "Unsupervised Learning and Modeling of Knowledge and Intent for Spoken Dialogue Systems" is accepted to be published in ACL-IJCNLP SRW 2015.
[program] |
2015/04 |
Our long paper "Matrix Factorization with Knowledge Graph Propagation for Unsupervised Spoken Language Understanding" is accepted as an oral paper by ACL-IJCNLP 2015.
[program] |
2015/04 |
During 04/16 afternoon (2:00-3:00), I am invited to give a talk about my recent research "Unsupervised Learning and Modeling of Knowledge and Intent for Spoken Dialogue Systems" at New York University, New York, NY. [slide]
2015/04 |
During 04/08 morning (EST 11:00), I will present my thesis proposal "Unsupervised Learning and Modeling of Knowledge and Intent for Spoken Dialogue Systems" at Carnegie Mellon University (NSH 1507), Pittsburgh, USA. [proposal]
2015/02 |
Our long paper "Jointly Modeling Inter-Slot Relations by Random Walk on Knowledge Graphs for Unsupervised Spoken Language Understanding" is accepted by NAACL-HLT 2015.
[program] |
2015/01 |
During 01/10 night, I am engaged! My dear boyfriend becomes my fiance
Reach him
2015/01 |
During 01/16 afternoon (2:00-3:00), I am invited to orally present my recent research "Unsupervised Spoken Language Understanding in Dialogue Systems" at NCTU, Hsinchu, Taiwan. [slide]
2014/12 |
During 12/10 morning (10:00-11:30), I present our paper "Dynamically Supporting Unexplored Domains in Conversational Interactions by Enriching Semantics with Neural Word Embeddings" at SLT 2014, South Lake Tahoe, NV, USA. [program] [poster] |
2014/12 |
During 12/10 morning (10:00-11:30), I present our paper "Leveraging Frame Semantics and Distributional Semantics for Unsupervised Semantic Slot Induction in Spoken Dialogue Systems" at SLT 2014, South Lake Tahoe, NV, USA. [program] [poster] |
2014/12 |
During 12/08 afternoon (16:00-17:30), I present our paper "Deriving Local Relational Surface Forms from Dependency-Based Entity Embeddings for Unsupervised Spoken Language Understanding" at SLT 2014, South Lake Tahoe, NV, USA. [program] [poster] |
2014/10 |
During 10/02 noon (12:30-2:00), I orally present our internship work "Deriving Local Relational Surface Forms from Dependency-Based Entity Embeddings for Unsupervised Spoken Language Understanding" at CMU Sphinx Lunch, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. [slide] |
2014/09 |
During 09/24 afternoon (2:30-4:00), I am invited to orally present my recent research "Unsupervised Spoken Language Understanding in Dialogue Systems" at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. [slide] |
2014/09 |
Our full paper "Deriving Local Relational Surface Forms from Dependency-Based Entity Embeddings for Unsupervised Spoken Language Understanding" is accepted by SLT 2014.
[program] |
2014/09 |
Our full paper "Leveraging Frame Semantics and Distributional Semantics for Unsupervised Semantic Slot Induction in Spoken Dialogue Systems" is accepted by SLT 2014.
[program] |
2014/09 |
Our full paper "Dynamically Supporting Unexplored Domains in Conversational Interactions by Enriching Semantics with Neural Word Embeddings" is accepted by SLT 2014.
[program] |
2014/08 |
During 08/20 morning (10:00-11:00), I orally present my internship work "Deriving Local Relational Surface Forms from Dependency-Based Entity Embeddings for Unsupervised Spoken Language Understanding" at Microsoft Research, Mountain View, CA, USA. [slide] |
2014/04 |
Our short paper "Two-Stage Stochastic Natural Language Generation for Email Synthesis by Modeling Sender Style and Topic Structure" is accepted by SIGGEN INLG 2014.
[program] |
2014/04 |
Our demo paper "Two-Stage Stochastic Email Synthesizer" is accepted by SIGGEN INLG 2014.
[program] |
2014/04 |
Our submission "Leveraging Frame Semantics and Distributional Semantics for Unsupervised Semantic Slot Induction for Spoken Dialogue Systems" is accepted by ACL 2014 Workshop on Semantic Parsing.
[program] |
2014/03 |
Our journal paper "Spoken Knowledge Organization by Semantic Structuring and a Prototype Course Lecture System for Personalized Learning" is accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 2014.
2014/02 |
During 02/13 noon (12:30-2:00), I orally present our paper "Unsupervised Induction and Filling of Semantic Slots for Spoken Dialogue Systems Using Frame-Semantic Parsing" at CMU Sphinx Lunch, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. [slide] |
2013/12 |
<Best Student Paper Award> our paper "Unsupervised Induction and Filling of Semantic Slots for Spoken Dialogue Systems Using Frame-Semantic Parsing" at ASRU 2013.
[program] |
2013/12 |
During 12/9-12, I present our paper "Unsupervised Induction and Filling of Semantic Slots for Spoken Dialogue Systems Using Frame-Semantic Parsing" at ASRU 2013, Olomouc, Czech. [program] [slide] |
2013/10 |
On 10/16 afternoon (13:30-13:50), I orally present our paper "Prosody-Based Unsupervised Speech Summarization with Two-Layer Mutually Reinforced Random Walk" at IJCNLP 2013, Nagoya, Japan. [program] [slide] |
2013/09 |
Our full paper "Unsupervised Induction and Filling of Semantic Slots for Spoken Dialogue System Using Frame-Semantic Parsing" is accepted by ASRU 2013. [program] |
2013/08 |
On 08/26 afternoon (17:20-17:40), I orally present our paper "Multi-Layer Mutually Reinforced Random Walk with Hidden Parameters for Improved Multi-Party Meeting Summarization" at INTERSPEECH 2013, Lyon, France. [program] [slide] |
2013/08 |
<Best Poster Award> 2 selected posters from CMU LTI SRS, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. |
2013/07 |
Our short paper "Prosody-Based Unsupervised Speech Summarization with Two-Layer Mutually Reinforced Random Walk" is accepted by IJCNLP 2013. [program] |
2013/05 |
<MOE Technologies Incubation Scholarship> 1st place of 4 selected people awarded by Ministry of Education, Taiwan.
2013/05 |
<Government Scholarship for Studying Abroad> 9 selected EECS people are awarded by Ministry of Education, Taiwan.
2013/05 |
On 05/29 morning (10:30-12:30), I present our paper "An Empirical Invesigation of Sparse Log-Linear Models for Improved Dialogue Act Classification" at ICASSP 2013, Vancouver, Canada. [program] [poster] |
2013/05 |
Our full paper "Multi-Layer Mutually Reinforced Random Walk with Hidden Parameters for Improved Multi-Party Meeting Summarization" is accepted by INTERSPEECH 2013. [program] |
2013/04 |
<The US Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship Finalist> with $1,000 award from Google. [link]
2013/03 |
<Signal Processing Society Travel Grant> with reimbursement of attending ICASSP 2013, Vancouver, Canada.
2013/02 |
Our full papers "An Empirical Investigation of Sparse Log-Linear Models for Improved Dialogue Act Classification" are "Bootstrapping Text-to-Speech for Speech Processing in Languages without An Orthography" are accepted by ICASSP 2013. [program] |
2012/12 |
On 12/05 afternoon (13:30-15:00), I present for our paper "Two-Layer Mutually Reinforced Random Walk for Improved Multi-Party Meeting Summarization" at SLT 2012, Florida, USA. [program] [poster] |
2012/09 |
On 09/13 morning (10:00-12:00), I present our paper "Integrating Intra-Speaker Topic Modeling and Temporally Inter-Speaker Topic Modeling in Random Walk for Improved Multi-Party Meeting Summarization" at INTERSPEECH 2012, Portland, USA. [program] [poster] |
2012/09 |
Our full paper "Two-Layer Mutually Reinforced Random Walk for Improved Multi-Party Meeting Summarization" is accepted by SLT 2012. [program] |
2012/08 |
presentation for our paper "Two-Layer Mutually Reinforced Random Walk for Improved Multi-Party Meeting Summarization" at 2012 CMU LTI Student Research Symposium, Pittsburgh, USA. [program] [slide] |
2012/07 |
Our demo paper "NeuroDialog: An EEG-Enabled Spoken Dialog Interface" is accepted by ACM ICMI 2012. [program] |
2012/06 |
<Student Best Paper Nominee> our paper "Integrating Intra-Speaker Topic Modeling and Temporal-Based Inter-Speaker Topic Modeling in Random Walk for Improved Multi-Party Meeting Summarization" at INTERSPEECH 2012.
2012/06 |
<Grants> with reimbursement of attending INTERSPEECH 2012, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
2012/06 |
Our paper "Integrating Intra-Speaker Topic Modeling and Temporal-Based Inter-Speaker Topic Modeling in Random Walk for Imporved Multi-Party Meeting Summarization" is accepted by INTERSPEECH 2012. [program] |
2012/06 |
presentation for our paper "Towards Using EEG to Improve ASR Accuracy" at NAACL-HLT 2012, Montreal, Canada. [program] [poster] |
2012/06 |
presentation for our paper "Intra-Speaker Topic Modeling for Improved Multi-Party Meeting Summarization with Integrated Random Walk" at NAACL-HLT 2012, Montreal, Canada. [program] [poster] |
2012/03 |
presentation for our paper "Unsupervised Two-Stage Keyword Extraction from Spoken Documents by Topic Coherence and Suppoort Vector Machine" at ICASSP 2012, Kyoto, Japan. [program] [poster]
2012/03 |
Our paper "Towards Using EEG to Improve ASR Accuracy" is accepted by NAACL-HLT 2012. [program] |
2012/03 |
Our paper " Intra-Speaker Topic Modeling for Improved Multi-Party Meeting Summarization with Integrated Random Walk" is accepted by NAACL-HLT 2012. [program] |
2012/02 |
<Signal Processing Society Travel Grant> with reimbursement of attending ICASSP 2012, Kyoto, Japan.
2011/12 |
Our paper "Unsupervised Two-Stage Keyword Extraction from Spoken Documents by Topic Coherence and Support Vector Machine" is accepted by ICASSP 2012. [program] |
2011/12 |
Our paper "Utterance-level Latent Topic Transition Modeling for Spoken Documents and Its Application in Automatic Summarization" is accepted by ICASSP 2012. [program] |
2011/08 |
<Graduate Research Fellowships> with full tuition waiver and monthly stipend, CMU, U.S.A.
2011/08 |
<ACLCLP Tesis Award> my thesis "Automatic Key Term Extraction and Summarization from Spoken Course Lectures" awarded Best Master Thesis, ACLCLP, Taiwan
2011/07 |
Our paper "Improoved Speech Summarization and Spoken Term Detection with Graphical Analysis of Utterance Similarities" is accepted by APSIPA ASC 2011. [program] |
2011/07 |
<award> 1st of 150 (Spring 2011), CSIE, National Taiwan University
2011/06 |
oral defense of my M.S. thesis "Automatic Key Term Extraction and Summarization from Spoken Course Lectures" |
2011/06 |
address in deparment commencement |
2011/05 |
Our paper "Spoken Lecture Summarization by Random Walk over a Graph Constructed with Automatically Extracted Key Terms" is accepted by INTERSPEECH 2011. [program] |
2011/05 |
presentation for our paper "Improved Spoken Term Detection with Graph-Based Re-Ranking in Feature Space" at ICASSP 2011, Prague, Czech Republic. [program] [poster]
2011/04 |
selected as Master Student Valedictorian
2011/03 |
<Phi Tau Phi Award> recommended by NTU to be the member of the Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society, Taiwan
2011/02 |
<award> 1st of 150 (Fall 2010), CSIE, National Taiwan University
2011/01 |
oral presentation for our paper "Automatic Key Term Extraction from Spoken Course Lectures Using Branching Entropy and Prosodic/Semantic Features" at NGASR2011(Winter), Taipei, Taiwan [program] [slide]
2011/01 |
Our paper "Improved Spoken Term Detection with Graph-Based Re-Ranking in Feature Space" is accepted by ICASSP 2011 [program]
2010/12 |
oral presentation for our paper "Automatic Key Term Extraction from Spoken Course Lectures Using Branching Entropy and Prosodic/Semantic Features" at Award Talk, SLT 2010, Berkeley, CA, U.S.A. [program] [slide] |
2010/10 |
<SRI Student Best Paper Award> our paper "Automatic Key Term Extraction from Spoken Course Lectures Using Branching Entropy and Prosodic/Semantic Features" at SLT 2010 [program] |
2010/10 |
elected as Graduate Representative
2010/09 |
<award> Advanced Speech Technologies Scholarship
2010/09 |
Our paper "Automatic Key Term Extraction from Spoken Course Lectures Using Branching Entropy and Prosodic/Semantic Features" is accepted by SLT 2010 [program]
2010/08 |
<award> 5th of 150 (Spring 2010), CSIE, National Taiwan University
2010/04 |
performance of "Achievement Exhibition - Dream Walker", Pop Dance Club, National Taiwan University @Taipei, Taiwan (see the video...)
2010/02 |
pass "Computational Theory" in PhD Qulification Exam
2010/02 |
<award> 3rd of 152 (Fall 2009), CSIE, National Taiwan University
2010/01 |
<Excellent Teaching Assistant Award> in course "Digital Speech Processing"
2009/10 |
performance of "Dance Exhibition to Greet New Arrivals - 21st Century", Pop Dance Club, National Taiwan University @Taipei, Taiwan (see the video...)
2009/09 |
<award> Advanced Speech Technologies Scholarship
2009/09 |
pass "Algorithm" and "Aritificial Intelligence" in PhD Qulification Exam
2009/09 |
<Presidential Award> 3rd of 120 (Spring 2009), CSIE, National Taiwan University
2009/06 |
selected as Multimedia President at Pop Dance Club, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
2009/04 |
demostration of "NTU Virtual Instructor - A Spoken Language System Offering Services of Learning on Demand Using Video/Audio/Slides of Course Lectures" in Show and Tell at conference ICASSP 2009 @Taipei, Taiwan [program]
2009/02 |
<Presidential Award> 1st of 120 (Fall 2008), CSIE, National Taiwan University
2008/11 |
<award> Pen Wen Yuan Scholarship
2008/09 |
<Connected Life Special Prize> Yahoo! Open Hack Day @Taipei, Taiwan
2008/09 |
<Presidential Award> 1st of 120 (Spring 2008), CSIE, National Taiwan University
2008/06 |
performance of Celebration of CSIE 30th Anniversary, CSIE, National Taiwan University
2008/04 |
serve as Performance President in Celebration of CISE 30th Anniversary, CSIE, National Taiwan University
2008/03 |
elected as B94 Valedictorian, CSIE, National Taiwan University
2008/02 |
<Presidential Award> 3rd of 120 (Fall 2007), CSIE, National Taiwan University
2007/09 |
selected as ACM ICPC Contestant Cultivation Camp
2007/09 |
<Presidential Award> 5th of 120 (Spring 2007), CSIE, National Taiwan University