[2023-08-15] Prof. Y. C. Frank Shih, New Jersey Institute of Technology,AI Deep Learning in Image Processing Research 

  • 2023-07-05
  • 宋欣薏(職務代理)
Title: AI Deep Learning in Image Processing Research
Date: 2023-08-15 17:20-18:30
Location:  CSIE  R326
Speaker:  Prof. Y. C. Frank Shih施永強教授,  

Host: Prof. Chiou-Shann Fuh

Artificial Intelligence (AI) intends to make machines to learn from experiences, adjust to input data and perform human-like tasks. The term artificial intelligence was coined in 1956 but has become more popular today thanks to increased data volumes, advanced algorithms,
and improvements in computing power and storage. Deep learning has recently emerged to be applied to a variety of industries, ranging from healthcare to manufacturing to automotive, among others.
As an enabling tool for automating and accelerating the analysis of large data sets generated by various sensors and other connected devices, deep learning algorithms will find a home in a multitude of business and research applications.
In this talk, I will cover these technologies to be used for accomplishing specific tasks by processing large amounts of data and recognizing patterns in the data. The research fields of AI, including medical image diagnosis, object segmentation and recognition,
and morphological neural networks, will be introduced.
Prof. Y. C. Frank Shih
施永強教授自國立成功大學取得電機工程學士後即赴美深造,並分別於紐約州立大學及普渡大學取得電機與電腦工程碩士及博士學位。之後便於New Jersey Institute of TechnologyDepartment of Computer ScienceDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringDepartment of Biomedical Engineering任教至今。施教授的研究專長為人工智慧、深度學習、多媒體資訊安全、影像處理、電腦視覺及圖形識別等相關領域。尤其在多媒體資訊安全相關領域有許多重要著作、在相關領域有高度影響力、目前擔任國際重要期刊International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence之Editor-in-Chief,也擔任許多期刊之Associate Editor或Guest Editor、舉辦過許多重要會議、受邀給過多場學術演講及獲得許多學術界的重要獎項。施教授亦經常造訪許多知名學術單位 (例如:Princeton UniversityColumbia University、日本National Institute of Informatics) 進行學術交流。施教授尤其對國內學者的提攜及學術單位的指導不遺餘力。