Digital Image Synthesis, Fall 2005

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project #1
final project

project #2: Tone Mapping and Reflection Models

Assigned: 2005/11/08
Due: 2005/11/30 11:59pm

Project description

In this project, you have freedom to choose between tone mapping and reflection models.

Tone Mapping. Pbrt outputs EXR images. Although imageview coming with pbrt can be used to display EXR images, imageview uses a very simple tone mapping operation to display thse images. To display these images in better qualities, more sophiscated tone mapping algorithms should be used. Two popular algorithms are gradient domain compression and bilateral filtering. You can implement any one of them. If you want to implement other tone mapping algorithms, please contact me first. You can either write a standalone program to convert an exr image into a regular image such as bmp or png on your own, or add a plug-in in the tonemap directory so that exrtotiff in the tools directory can be used to convert exr images into tiff images using your tone mapping method.

Reflection Models. Your second option is to add reflection models into pbrt. One candidate is Ward's model presented in the class. You are free to implement other models such as Hanrahan-Krueger model and other models listed the reading list.


Please turn in the source code files that you have created or modified and a html report on what you have accomplished. In the report, you should at least show the following results:
tone mapping Test your tone mapping program on the following exr images, memorial.exr vinesunset.exr and dragon.exr. You are free to try other hdr images. You can download hdr images from Paul Debevec's page and convert them to exr format with Photomatix Pro.
reflection model Test your Ward's model using a sphere gallery which shows the influence of the parameters on the image. Feel free to apply your model on other scenes. For other reflection models, you are feel to use any scene that you think best demonstrates your model.
