Digital Image Synthesis, Fall 2005

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project #1
project #2
final project

Paper presentation

Date Presenter slides Paper

2005/10/11 Shan-Yung Yang hbb.pdf J. Goldsmith and J. Salmon, Automatic Creation of Object Hierarchies for Ray Tracing, IEEE CG&A, 1987.
Brian Smits, Efficiency Issues for Ray Tracing, Journal of Graphics Tools, 1998.
Tz-Huan Huang adaptiveGrid.pdf K. Klimaszewski and T. Sederberg, Faster Ray Tracing Using Adaptive Grids, IEEE CG&A Jan/Feb 1997.
Kuan-Ling Yeh octree.ppt I. Gargantini and H. Atkinson, Ray Tracing an Octree: Numerical Evaluation of the First Intersection, Computer Graphics Forum 1993.
Wang-Chou Lu octreer.ppt K.-Y. Whang et. al., Octree-R: An Adaptive Octree for Efficient Ray Tracing, IEEE TVCG 1995.
2005/11/08 Pei-Hsuan Ho DRT.ppt R. Cook, T. Porter and L. Carpenter, Distributed Ray Tracing, SIGGRAPH 1984.
Chuan-Yu Lee Ward.ppt G. Ward, Measuring and Modeling Anisotropic Reflection, SIGGRAPH 1992.
Ken-Ti Lee subsurface.pdf P. Hanrahan and W. Krueger, Reflection from Layered Surfaces due to Subsurface Scatteruing, SIGGRAPH 1993.
2005/11/15 Jonathan Wang FurRender.ppt J. Kajiya and T. Kay, Rendering Fur with Three Dimensional Textures, SIGGRAPH 1989.
2005/11/22 Haoji Wu TracingRD.ppt H. Igehy, Tracing Ray Differentials, SIGGRAPH 1999.
2005/12/06 Hsiang-Tau Wu ImageSynthesizer.ppt K. Perlin, An Image Synthesizer, SIGGRAPH 1985.
Rong-San Lin WaveletNoise.ppt R. Cook and T. DeRose, Wavelet Noise, SIGGRAPH 2005.
2005/12/13 Daniel Lin CombineSampling.ppt E. Veach and L. Guibas, Optimally Combining Sampling Techniques for Monte Carlo Rendering, SIGGRAPH 1995.
Shu-Cheng Huang SISEnvMap.ppt S. Agarwal, R. Ramamoorthi, S. Belongie and H. Jensen, Structured Importance Sampling of Environment Maps, SIGGRAPH 2003.
2005/12/20 Wei-Yin Chen EPfilter.ppt H. Rushmeier and G. Ward, Energy Preserving Non-Linear Filters, SIGGRAPH 1994.
Li-Fong Lin InstantRadiosity.ppt A. Keller, Instant Radiosity, SIGGRAPH 1997.
2005/12/27 Chun-Tse Hsiao MLT.ppt E. Veach and L. Guibas, Metropolis Light Transport, SIGGRAPH 1997.
Jen-Yuan Chiang volume.ppt H. W. Jensen and P. H. Christensen, Efficient Simulation of Light Transport in Scenes with Participating Media using Photon Maps , SIGGRAPH 1998.
2006/01/03 Li-Ying Wu W. Matusik, H. Pfister, M. Brand and L. McMillian, A Data-Driven Reflectance Model, SIGGRAPH 2003.
Tien-Hao Chang LazyVisibility.ppt D. Hart, P. Dutre and D. Greenberg, Direct Illumination with Lazy Visibility Evaluation, SIGGRAPH 1999.
Wei-Jen Lin BSSRDF.ppt H. Jensen, S. Marschner, M. Levoy and P. Hanrahan, A Practical Model for Subsurface Light Transport, SIGGRAPH 2001.
Yu-Jen Chen ApproxGI.ppt E. Tabellion, and A. Lamorlette, An Approximate Global Illumination System for Computer Generated Films, SIGGRAPH 2004.