Digital Image Synthesis, Fall 2005

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project #1
project #2

final project: PBRT+

Assigned: 2005/12/13
Due: 2006/01/15 11:59pm

Project description

In this project, you are free to implement existing or novel algorithms to extend pbrt to produce a realistic image of a scene or object. For inspiration, you can either look at the results of Stanford's rendering competition and internet ray tracing competition or SIGGRAPH papers of recent years. I list some papers as options if you have a clear idea in your mind. Please notice that the ultimate goal is to synthesize a realistic image. Hence, even if you choose to implement a paper or two, please create a scene to demonstrate your result clearly.


You have to turn in every source file you have modified or created and a html report. The report should report how you create your scene and image. It is fine to import other's objects, such as those available online, in your scene. For the format of the report, please refer to the reports of Stanford's rendering competition as examples. In addition, you have to create an artifact image using your own version of extended pbrt.