Computer Organization and Assembly Languages, Fall 2006

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final project

Assignment #3: CRC32 checksum

Assigned: 11/6/2006
Due: 11/27/2006 11:59pm


CRC (cyclic redundancy check) is a type of hash function used to produce a checksum value from a large block of data. A checksum value is usually generated when we transfer data over the internet, or compressing data into an archive. So we can check the validity after the data is received or uncompressed. You can learn more information in the Wikipedia's CRC page.

In this project, you need to implement CRC32 algorithm used in Ethernet, FDDI, WinZip and PNG, by assembly. Here is a C++ implementation:
    unsigned int crc32(const char* data, size_t length){
        const unsigned int POLY = 0xEDB88320; // standard polynomial in CRC32
        unsigned int reminder = 0xFFFFFFFF; // standard initial value in CRC32
        for(size_t i = 0; i < length; i++){
   	    reminder ^= (unsigned char)data[i]; // must be zero extended
	    for(size_t bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++)
	        if(reminder & 0x01)
  		    reminder = (reminder >> 1) ^ POLY;
  		    reminder >>= 1;
        return reminder ^ 0xFFFFFFFF;
Although this function can produce the correct CRC32 checksum from a string, the naive method is very slow. You can find a faster method for it in the painless guide to CRC.


You have to implement a procedure called "crc32" by assembly. This function should accept a pointer pointing to the string data and the length of data. The calculated checksum should be stored in EAX when this function returns. A skeleton looks like:
    .model flat
    option casemap :none
        sum DWORD 0
    _crc32 PROC PUBLIC
        push ebp
        mov ebp, esp ; build stack frame
        ; begin CRC32 calculation

        ; end CRC32 calculation
        mov eax, sum
    _crc32 ENDP
    END ; file ends here
To shift a number, you will need the instruction SHL or SHR. The first shifts a register or a memory location specified by the first operand to the left a number of bits specified in the second operand and fill the newly created bit position with 0. The second instruction shifts right. For example, assume that AX holds 11001111 initially. The instruction "SHL AX, 2" shifts the content of AX 2 bits to the left and AX becomes 00111100 after executing this instruction. Similarly, "SHR AX, 1" shifts AX one bit to the right and AX becomes 01100111 after this instruction. In addition, you can use [EBP+8] and [EBP+12] to access the parameters, data and length.

In, you can also find main.cpp where other functions are implemented. (The main program was written in C++. If it incurs warnings and errors when using MSVC 2005, please use this main.c instead.) They are used to open a file and do timings, and you don't need to modify them. When your work is done in crc32.asm, execute "nmake" and the executable file "crc32.exe" will be built. Then execute "crc32.exe FILE" and you can see the calculated CRC32 checksum and CPU cycles you've used.


Please submit your homework through the submission system.