Computer Organization and Assembly Languages, Fall 2006

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assignment #1
assignment #2
assignment #3
assignment #4
assignment #5

Final project

Assigned: 12/25/2006
Due: 01/31/2007


In your final project, you have freedom to choose any subject related to assembly languages and computer orgnization. It can be about implementing a system using assembly, improving your or other's existing codes with assembly or surveying a assembly-related subject in depth. Here are some examples:
  • Choose any existing code of your own or others, figure out the performance bottleneck and speed up the code using optimized assembly code.
    Example #1| Example #2
  • Choose a topic related to assembly language or computer organization such as how to write a virus, a toturial to SSE programming or a report on cache-aware programming, and do a in-depth survey of this topic.
    Example #1| Example #2
  • Implement a system such as a game using assembly. You do not need to implement the whole system in assembly. Just use assembly in where assembly is good for.
    Example #1| Example #2
Finally, we encourage you work in teams of two for this project. If your project is of a larger scale and you want to work in a team of more people, it is fine too. If there is any doubt, please contact me or TAs first.


The grde of your final project will depend on three factors, the scale of your project, how your project relates assembly language or computer organization and how much you have achieved.


You will need to write a report on what you have implemented, surveyed or learned. The report should be in html or pdf format. You will also have to schedule a demo time with your TA on 1/31. The signup procedure will be announced through the mailing list once it is ready. Please send TAs the electronic file of your report and your codes before your demo slot. Note that the late deadline is adjusted for Infocup. If you want to enjoy your winter vacation sooner, you can schedule a early demo time on 1/24.