Interface GlobalContributionOperatorInterface

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface GlobalContributionOperatorInterface

An interface for classes that provide an operator to globally combine the fuzzy values of the output of fuzzy rules. By default the union operator is used, but commonly the sum operator is also used. There may also be other operators added as required.

See Also:
GlobalContributionOperator, UnionGlobalContributionOperator, SumGlobalContributionOperator

Method Summary
 nrc.fuzzy.FuzzyValue execute(nrc.fuzzy.FuzzyValue newFuzzyValue, nrc.fuzzy.FuzzyValue existingFuzzyValue)
          Classes that implement the GlobalContributionOperatorInterface must provide an execute method that accepts 2 fuzzy values and returns a fuzzy value that is the result of doing the operation that the class implements (e.g.

Method Detail


public nrc.fuzzy.FuzzyValue execute(nrc.fuzzy.FuzzyValue newFuzzyValue,
                                    nrc.fuzzy.FuzzyValue existingFuzzyValue)
                             throws IncompatibleFuzzyValuesException,
Classes that implement the GlobalContributionOperatorInterface must provide an execute method that accepts 2 fuzzy values and returns a fuzzy value that is the result of doing the operation that the class implements (e.g. union or sum or none).

newFuzzyValue - should be the new FuzzyValue being asserted
existingFuzzyValue - should be the existing FuzzyValue
FuzzyValue that is the result of applying the operator to the 2 values