Course: Special topics on graph algorithms

Spring semester, 2005

Wednesday 14:20 – 17:20, 107 CSIE Building.

3 credits

Web site:

Instructor: Kun-Mao Chao (趙坤茂)

TA: Hsiao-Fei Liu (劉效飛)


Prerequisites: Some basic knowledge on algorithm development is required. Background in approximation algorithms is welcome but not required for taking this course.



Midterm exam (45%)

Oral presentation of selected topics or papers (40%)

Homework and class participation (15%)


Our classmates … I  II  III  IV  V


Class notes:

Counting Spanning Trees

Minimum Spanning Trees

Shortest-Paths Trees

A note on a 2-approximation algorithm for the MRCT problem

A note on 15/8 & 3/2-approximation algorithms for the MRCT problem

A note on a polynomial time approximation scheme for the MRCT problem

Optimal Communication Spanning Trees

Steiner Minimal Trees

A note on eccentricities, diameters, and radii




About This Class

Counting Spanning Trees

Minimum Spanning Trees

Shortest-Paths Trees

Minimum Routing Cost Spanning Trees



Problem 1: Find a master computer scientist to write about. Focus on the inspiration you got from him or her.

Problem 2: Define a new spanning tree problem. Write down your approach for solving it.


Your solutions could be in English or Chinese, and should be no more than two pages for each problem. E-mail your solutions in PDF format to me by May 25, 2005.


Class presentations:

1.      Maximum number of team members: no more than three;

2.      Each member is required to present in turn;

3.      Revised slides should be sent to me one week after the presentation;

4.      Questions in class are always welcome;


Selected papers for presentation:



Raja Jothi, Balaji Raghavachari: Approximation Algorithms for the Capacitated Minimum Spanning Tree Problem and Its Variants in Network Design. ICALP 2004: 805-818

黃耀廷 陳明江 李定達



Michael J. Spriggs, J. Mark Keil, Sergei Bespamyatnikh, Michael Segal, Jack Snoeyink: Computing a (1+epsilon)-Approximate Geometric Minimum-Diameter Spanning Tree. Algorithmica 38(4): 577-589 (2004)

蔡翔宇 李穹軒 陳彥賓


5/11 (兩組)

Jochen Könemann, Asaf Levin, Amitabh Sinha II: Approximating the Degree-Bounded Minimum Diameter Spanning Tree Problem. Algorithmica 41(2): 117-129 (2004)

林清池 吳瑞渝


Christian Schindelhauer, Klaus Volbert, Martin Ziegler: Spanners, Weak Spanners, and Power Spanners for Wireless Networks. ISAAC 2004: 805-821




Refael Hassin, Asaf Levin: Approximation Algorithms for Quickest Spanning Tree Problems. ESA 2004: 395-402

Refael Hassin, Asaf Levin: Approximation Algorithms for Quickest Spanning Tree Problems. Algorithmica 41(1): 43-52 (2004)

羅正偉 張家榮



Refael Hassin, Asaf Levin: An efficient polynomial time approximation scheme for the constrained minimum spanning tree problem using matroid intersection. SIAM J. Comput. 33(2): 261-268 (2004)

李政崇 王維邦 洪智鐸



Michael Elkin: A faster distributed protocol for constructing a minimum spanning tree. SODA 2004: 359-368

張瑞賢 李龢軒 莊中豪



David Gamarnik: The Tutte Polynomial and the Expected Value of Random Minimal Length Spanning Tree of a Complete Graph. SODA 2005

林忠緯 張憶婷



Lap Chi Lau: An Approximate Max-Steiner-Tree-Packing Min-Steiner-Cut Theorem. FOCS 2004: 61-70

鄭開明 陳絢昌 林信宏


Some related papers:


Spanning Trees:

Steiner Trees:


References (not required):

1.          Spanning Trees and Optimization Problems, by Bang Ye Wu and Kun-Mao Chao (2004), Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, USA.

2.          Related journal and conference papers


Useful Links: