Deputy Vice President for Academic Affairs - 副教務長
Director, NTU IoX Center - 臺大智慧聯網研究中心 主任
Academic Advancement Young Chair Professor - 學術勵進青年講座,
Computer Science and Information Engineering
Note: Some information can still be found on my old web site.
We use polarizer and everyday transparent tape to create a lampshade that helps indoor inertial tracking to achieve centimeter-level accuracy.
POLI is a light-to-camera communication system that exploits a novel POliarized Light Intensity modulation scheme to provide reliable communications for a wide range of distances.
CELLI uses a single luminary to project a large number of fine-grained, polarized, yet imperceptible light beams to the ground for indoor positioning. The system can achieve a 2.7cm median 2D error.