Digital Visual Effects, Spring 2014

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project #1
project #2
project #3
final project


Please note that you have a total of 10 delay days for assignments for the whole semester. After that, points will be deducted. In addition, late assignments might not be included for artifacts voting.

project #1: High Dynamic Range Imaging

Assigned: 2014/3/4
Due: 2014/4/1 11:59am
handout, submission, voting

project #2: Image stitching

Assigned: 2014/3/28
Due: 2014/4/29 11:59am
handout, submission, voting

project #3: MatchMove

Assigned: 2014/4/29
Due: 2014/5/27 11:59am
handout, TA slides, submission, voting, artifacts

final project

Assigned: 2014/5/20
Due: 2014/6/20
handout, signup, submission, films

all artifacts from past semesters