Optimization Methods for Deep Learning

Course Outline

Deep learning involves a difficult non-convex optimization problem. The goal of this course is to study the implementation of optimization methods for deep learning. We will run this course in the following formats: For potential students: you want to make sure that you are interested in optimization for deep learning.

Slides and recordings

This section (and slides) will be continuously updated.


Final Project

You must choose the project topic before the end of week 7 (April 4) and let TAs know. See the following possible topics. If you want to do something else, you must discuss with the teacher first. The progress presentation is on April 25 (tentative). Each team should prepare a 15 mins presentation (including QA) about your progress on the final project. Please upload the slide to NTU COOL before April 24, 23:59.

The final project is research oriented. We expect that you conduct deep investigation. You are welcome to discuss with the teacher while doing the project.

Course Schedule

The schedule is subject to change.


No exam


100% Projects and presentations.

Issues related to COVID-19

Acknowledgements: we thank many people for helping to prepare materials for this course.

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