11 Efficiency in Rule-Based Languages

Pattern Network

determine which patterns matched by facts
(defrule example-2

(defrule example-3

For Jess, the view command can be used to examine the rete network:

    (load-package jess.ViewFunctions)
red:    Node1 nodes
green:  Node2 nodes
yellow: NodeNot2 nodes
blue:   Defrule nodes


Join Network

compare variable bindings across patterns
(defrule Sharing-1
    (match ?x red)
    (data ~green ?x)
    (data ?x ?x)
    (other ?z)

(defrule Sharing-2
    (match ?y red)
    (data ~green ?y)
    (data ?y ?y)
    (other ?y)

(watch activations)


Importance of Pattern Order

(deffacts information
    (match a c e g)
    (item a)
    (item b)
    (item c)
    (item d)
    (item e)
    (item f)
    (item g))

(defrule match-1
    (match ?x ?y ?z ?w)
    (item ?x)
    (item ?y)
    (item ?z)
    (item ?w)
    (assert (found-match ?x ?y ?z ?w)))

(defrule match-2
    (item ?x)
    (item ?y)
    (item ?z)
    (item ?w)
    (match ?x ?y ?z ?w)
    (assert (found-match ?x ?y ?z ?w)))

match-1 has 5 partial matches, while match-2 has 2801 partial matches.


  1. match-1
  2. match-2

Matches Command

(defrule match-3
    (find-match ?x ?y)
    (item ?x)
    (item ?y)
    (assert (found-match ?x ?y)))

    (find-match a b)
    (find-match c d)
    (find-match e f)
    (item a)
    (item b)
    (item c)
    (item f) )

(matches match-3)

Watching the Changing State

(defrule match-1-pm-1
        "Partial matches for pattern 1"
    (match ?x ?y ?z ?w)

(defrule match-1-pm-1-to-2
        "Partial matches for patterns 1 to 2"
    (match ?x ?y ?z ?w)
    (item ?x)

(defrule match-1-pm-1-to-3
        "Partial matches for patterns 1 to 3"
    (match ?x ?y ?z ?w)
    (item ?x)
    (item ?y)

(defrule match-1-pm-1-to-4
        "Partial matches for patterns 1 to 4"
    (match ?x ?y ?z ?w)
    (item ?x)
    (item ?y)
    (item ?z)

(defrule match-1
        "Activations for the match rule"
    (match ?x ?y ?z ?w)
    (item ?x)
    (item ?y)
    (item ?z)
    (item ?w)
    (assert (found-match ?x ?y ?z ?w)))

(watch activations)
(watch facts)


  1. match-1
  2. match-2

Ordering Patterns for Efficiency

Multifield Variables and Efficiency

(defrule produce-twoplets   ; useful but too expensive
    (list (items $?b $?m $?e))
    (assert (front ?b))
    (assert (middle ?m))
    (assert (back ?e)) )

(assert (list (items a 4 z 2)))

Test CE and Efficiency

(defrule three-distinct-points
    ?point1 <- (point (x ?x1)(y ?y1))
    ?point2 <- (point (x ?x2)(y ?y2))
    (test (neq ?point1 ?point2))
    ?point3 <- (point (x ?x3)(y ?y3))
    (test (and (neq ?point2 ?point3))
               (neq ?point1 ?point3)))
    (assert (distinct-points (x1 ?x1)(y1 ?y1)
                             (x2 ?x2)(y2 ?y2)
                             (x3 ?x3)(y3 ?y3))))

(defrule points-share-common-x-or-y-value
    (point (x ?x1)(y ?y1))
    (point (x ?x2)(y ?y2&:(or (= ?x1 ?x2)
                              (= ?y1 ?y2))))
    (assert (common-x-or-y-value (x1 ?x1)(y1 ?y1)
                                 (x2 ?x2)(y2 ?y2))))

Built-In Pattern-Matching Constraints

(defrule primary-color
    (color ?x&red|green|blue)
    (assert (primary-color ?x)))

General Rules vs Specific Rules

(deftemplate direction
    (slot which-way)
    (slot delta-x)
    (slot delta-y))

(deffacts direction-information
    (direction  (which-way north)
                (delta-x 0) (delta-y 1))
    (direction  (which-way south)
                (delta-x 0) (delta-y -1))
    (direction  (which-way east)
                (delta-x 1) (delta-y 0))
    (direction  (which-way west)
                (delta-x -1) (delta-y 0)))

(defrule move-direction
    (move ?dir)
    (direction  (which-way ?dir)
                (delta-x ?dx) (delta-y ?dy))
    ?old-location <- (location (x ?old-x) (y ?old-y))
    (modify ?old-location (x (+ ?old-x ?dx))
                          (y (+ ?old-y ?dy))))

Simple Rules vs Complex Rules

A simple rule to find the largest number:
(defrule largest-number
    (number ?number1)
    (not (number ?number2&:(> ?number2 ?number1)))
    (printout t "Largest number is " ?number1 crlf))

Let N be the number of facts with the number relation. The time to get the largest number is propotional to the square of N.


  1. largest-1.clp (Demo)

A set of rules to reduce the number of comparisons by keeping track of the largest number:

(defrule try-number
    (number ?n)
    (assert (try-number ?n)))

(defrule largest-unknown
    ?attempt <- (try-number ?n)
    (not (largest ?))
    (retract ?attempt)
    (assert (largest ?n)))

(defrule largest-smaller
    ?old-largest <- (largest ?n1)
    ?attempt <- (try-number ?n2&:(> ?n2 ?n1))
    (retract ?old-largest ?attempt)
    (assert (largest ?n2)))

(defrule largest-bigger
    (largest ?n1)
    ?attempt <- (try-number ?n2&:(<= ?n2 ?n1))
    (retract ?attempt))

(defrule print-largest
    (declare (salience -1))
    (largest ?n)
    (printout t "Largest number is " ?n crlf))

The time to get the largest number using this set of rules is propotional to N.

Complete examples

  1. largest-2.clp (Demo)

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