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Certain RHS actions, such as retract and unmakeinstance, operate on an entire pattern CE. To signify which fact or instance they are to act upon, a variable can be bound to the factaddress or instanceaddress of a pattern CE. Collectively, factaddresses and instanceaddresses bound on the LHS of a rule are referred to as patternaddresses.


<assigned-pattern-CE> ::= ?<variable-symbol> <- <pattern-CE>

The left arrow, <, is a required part of the syntax. A variable bound to a factaddress or instanceaddress can be compared to other variables or passed to external functions. Variables bound to a fact or instanceaddress may later be used to constrain fields within a pattern CE, however, the reverse is not allowed. It is an error to bind a varible to a not CE.


(defrule dummy
   (data 1)
   ?fact <- (dummy pattern)
   (retract ?fact))
(defrule compare-facts-1
   ?f1 <- (color ~red)
   ?f2 <- (color ~green)
   (test (neq ?f1 ?f2))
   (printout t "Rule fires from different facts" crlf))
(defrule compare-facts-2
   ?f1 <- (color ~red)
   ?f2 <- (color ~green&:(neq ?f1 ?f2))
   (printout t "Rule fires from different facts" crlf))
(defrule print-and-delete-all-objects
   ?ins <- (object)
   (send ?ins print)
   (unmake-instance ?ins))

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