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CLIPS expert systems may be executed in three ways: interactively using a simple, textoriented, command prompt interface; interactively using a window/menu/mouse interface on certain machines; or as embedded expert systems in which the user provides a main program and controls execution of the expert system. Embedded applications are discussed in the Advanced Programming Guide. In addition, a series of commands can be automatically read directly from a file when CLIPS is first started or as the result of the batch command.

The generic CLIPS interface is a simple, interactive, textoriented, command prompt interface for high portability. The standard usage is to create or edit a knowledge base using any standard text editor, save the knowledge base as one or more text files, exit the editor and execute CLIPS, then load the knowledge base into CLIPS. The interface provides commands for viewing the current state of the system, tracing execution, adding or removing information, and clearing CLIPS.

A more sophisticated window interface is available for the Macintosh, Windows 3.1, and X Window environments. All interface commands described in this section are available in the window interfaces. These interfaces are described in more detail in the Interfaces Guide.

2.1.1 Top Level Commands

2.1.2 Automated Command Entry

2.1.3 Integration with Other Languages

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