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13.1.8 Executing Commands From a File

Allows "batch" processing of CLIPS interactive commands by replacing standard input with the contents of a file. Any command or function can be used in a batch file, as well as construct definitions and responses to read or readline function calls. The load†command should be used in batch files rather than defining constructs directly. The load command expects only constructs and hence moves to the next construct when an error occurs. The batch command, however, moves on until it finds the next construct or command (and in the case of a construct this is likely to generate more errors as the remaining commands and functions in the construct are parsed). This function returns TRUE if the batch file was successfully executed, otherwise FALSE is returned. Note that the batch command operates by replacing standard input rather than by immediately executing the commands found in the batch file. In effect, if you execute a batch command from the RHS of a rule, the commands in that batch file will not be processed until control is returned to the toplevel prompt.


(batch <file-name>)

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