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13.1.1 Loading Constructs From A File

Loads the constructs stored in the file specified by <file-name> into the environment. If the compilations item is being watched (see section 13.2), then an informational message (including the type and name of the construct) will be displayed for each construct loaded. If the compilations item is not being watched, then a character is printed for each construct loaded ("*" for defrule, "$" for deffacts, "%" for deftemplate, ":" for defglobal, "!" for deffunction, "^" for defgeneric, "&" for defmethod, "#" for defclass, "~" for defmessagehandler, "@" for definstances, and "+" for defmodule). This function returns TRUE if the file was successfully loaded, otherwise FALSE is returned.


(load <file-name>)

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