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12.6.8 Break

The break function immediately terminates the currently iterating while loop, progn exeexecution, or certain instance set query functions (do-for-instance, do-for-all-instances and delayed-do-for-all-instances).

The break function can only be used within the actions of a while loop, progn execution, or the specified instance set queries previously listed. Other uses will have no effect. The break cannot be used within a progn unless it is valid for the outer scope of the progn. In addition, break should not be used as an argument to another function call.




(deffunction iterate (?num)
  (bind ?i 0)
  (while TRUE do
    (if (>= ?i ?num) then
    (printout t ?i " ")
    (bind ?i (+ ?i 1)))
  (printout t crlf))
CLIPS> (iterate 1)
CLIPS> (iterate 10)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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