----- Original Message -----
From: Kun-Mao Chao
To: ACB members
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 9:42 AM
Subject: What do you want to be in the future?
Dear ACB Partners:
I posed the question "What do you want to be thirty years later?" during our lunch gathering last week. Some of you wanted to be a writer, a painter, an artist, a shopkeeper, a company owner, a traveler, or a happy retired person...
Let us elaborate the question a bit. What do you want to be X years later, where X is five, thirty or a thousand? Kindly pass me your answers either in English or Chinese. A word, a sentence, or a paragraph would be fine. Thank you.
5 years later:
30 years later:
1000 years later:
Of course, the future is not ours to see. Let me refer you to a popular song Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be) sung by Doris Day. Just accept whatever it is after you've done your best.
Bon Voyage,

Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)
written by the Jay Livingston and Ray Evans songwriting team
sung by Doris Day
When I was just a little girl,
I asked my mother, "What will I be?
Will I be pretty?
Will I be rich?"
Here's what she said to me:

"Que sera, sera,
Whatever will be, will be;
The future's not ours to see.
Que sera, sera,
What will be, will be."

[When I was just a child in school,
I asked my teacher, "What will I try?
Should I paint pictures"
Should I sing songs?"
This was her wise reply:

"Que sera, sera,
Whatever will be, will be;
The future's not ours to see.
Que sera, sera,
What will be, will be." ] (Omitted in the clip.)

When I grew up and fell in love.
I asked my sweetheart, "What lies ahead?
Will we have rainbows
Day after day?"
Here's what my sweetheart said:

"Que sera, sera,
Whatever will be, will be;
The future's not ours to see.
Que sera, sera,
What will be, will be."

Now I have Children of my own.
They ask their mother, "What will I be?"
Will I be handsome?
Will I be rich?"
I tell them tenderly:

"Que sera, sera,
Whatever will be, will be;
The future's not ours to see.
Que sera, sera,
What will be, will be.
Que Sera, Sera!"

Lawlo John (Chia-Jung):

5 years later: 從心所欲,衣食無虞,而不陷囹圄
30 years later: 身體健康不礙於行,心胸豁達不悔曾經
1000 years later: I don't care.


You're the first to reply. [Last year, you were the last one.:-)]  I care that you don't care. Just kidding. 



  It was really an unforgettable lunch party last week! Thanks for sharing me the song Que Sera, Sera. It always reminds me of the song Let It Be by the Beatles, though this is more of a not-so-lively version. In fact, both of these two songs tell what I feel about the future the most. It’s good to have the upcoming days full of unknowns, uncertainties and some serendipity.


  I think maybe there is a song which can partly give my answer. It’s called Twentysomething sung by Jamie Cullum. I really enjoy not only this song, but also its cute music video. Five years later, the only thing for sure is that I’m still a twentysomething. But the truth is, thirty, or even a thousand years later, seem all the same to me as well. So let me put together these words from the lyrics in reply: Whatever will be, will be, so I'll keep being me.


  However, I have to confess that the song Billionaire is in my mp3 player and I often binge on it recently :P


written and sung by Jamie Cullum

After years of expensive education
A car full of books and anticipation
I'm an expert on Shakespeare and that's a hell of a lot
But the world don't need scholars as much as I thought
Maybe I'll go traveling for a year
Finding myself, or start a career
I could work for the poor, though I'm hungry for fame
We all seem so different but we're just the same
Maybe I'll go to the gym, so I don't get fat
Aren't things more easy, with a tight six pack
Who knows the answers, who do you trust
I can't even separate love from lust
Maybe I'll move back home and pay off my loans
Working nine to five, answering phones
But don't make me live for my Friday nights
Drinking eight pints and getting in fights
Don't wanna get up, just have a lie in
Leave me alone, I'm a twentysomething
Maybe I'll just fall in love
That could solve it all
Philosophers say that that's enough
There surely must be more
Love ain't the answer, nor is work
The truth eludes me so much it hurts
But I'm still having fun and I guess that's the key
I'm a twentysomething and I'll keep being me



May you have your true colors all the time. Always 20+A, where A>0 and A<10 and the base is "don't care."



5 years: a logician who is widely admired (hopefully).
30 years: a philosopher who has grown mature and perhaps wonders why he himself was admired 25 years ago.
1000 years: a lucky (?) guy (or, much more likely, a ghost) who gets Genie (in a magic lamp) to realize the wish to flash back to 1025 years ago
                 and to make everything restart so as to have a chance to experience a totally differeret life. By the way, I am 25.
Thanks for inviting me to the lunch gathering and hiking, I felt so relaxed that day. : )



Dear Philosopher: Five years later, I'll claim that I once was an advisor of a widely admired logician. :-)

I was very glad to see you last Thursday. What a day!




5 years later: 有兩個小孩,並在南部找到理想的工作
30 years later: 已退休或退而不休,過著休閒的生活,並到處旅遊走一走
1000 years later: 地球沒有被外星人入侵








I want to be a painter 20 years later. 
The follwing is MJ's answer in his famous commercial, which is inspiring.
Look me in the eyes.
Look me in the eyes
It's okay if you're scared.
So am i.
But we're scared for different reasons.
I'm scared of what I won't become, 
   and you're scared of what I could become.

Look at me.
I won't let myself end where I started.
I won't let myself finish where I began.
I know what is within me
  even if you can't see it yet.

Look me in the eyes.
I have something more important than courage.
I have patience.

I will become what I know I am.



I took the following two pictures on Dec. 2, 2010. It's never too late to pursue your dream.



5 years later : Be a son who sustains the expense of his parents.

30 years later : I wish I can provide a small "patch" to this world,
for example, a better recipe ( for drinks ), a new idea in any
possible aspects, a published article, or supporting for a poor
family...  The easiest one is creating a new recipe of drinks.
The scale of the patch is depended on my life journey,  I think.

1000 years later: I want to be forgotten. I think that is my favorite
final destination of life. I am not able to, and not intend to plan
anythings after my last breath. Anyone who can reach living me will
also disappear after 1000 years,  so I think at that time what I'll be
is not important anymore.



Let me quote three unforgettable quotations here.


“The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past; you can't go forward in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.”


“Martyrs, my friend, have to choose among being forgotten, mocked or used. As for being understood -- never.” by Albert Camus


“We do not remember days, we remember moments. The richness of life lies in memories we have forgotten.” by Cesare Pavese


Give us some terrific drink recipe when we have the lunch party next year. Cheers!

Chiu Liang:



A happy, sweet, and caring old man who enjoys reading, hiking, and writing.




祝 老師 身體健康,30年之後除了happy, sweet, and caring之外,還有身體能夠很硬朗。




謝謝陳老師的美言及祝福。我寫著enjoy hiking就隱寓著身體狀況還不錯啦(太貪心了!),歡迎來參加ACB的健走。

Ning Chih:


5 years later: 思而不滯,行而不礙,樂在其中而可以。
30 years later: 遇人間美景而擊節稱嘆,論之、述之,豈不快哉!
1000 years later: 長江千水一瓢飲,與君同消萬古愁。





5 years later: Five years younger.
30 years later: A happy, sweet, and caring old man who enjoys reading, hiking, and writing.
1000 years later: He was not just a nice man. Better yet, he is not just a nice man.