Professional Activities:

[a]       Academic community service:

-        Editor, Information Processing Letters (IPL; Feb., 2017 -- 2019)

-        Board member, the Asian Association for Algorithms and Computation (AAAC) (Sept., 2016 -- Oct., 2021)

-        Guest editor: Algorithmica, International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, Theoretical Computer Science

-        PC co-chair: IEEE BIBE 2011; ISAAC 2012

-        Special-Track Workshop chair: MSE 2003; BIBE 2004; NCS 2007; NCS 2009; ICS 2016

-        Advisory Committee member, BIBE 2016

-        PC member, APBC (2005, 2006, 2011, 2012, 2014 -- 2017)

-        PC member, BIBE (2004, 2009, 2018)

-        PC member, BIBM (2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016 -- 2022)

-        PC member, BICOB (2009 -- 2012, 2015 -- 2023)

-        PC member, BIOINFORMATICS (2010 -- 2015)

-        PC member, BIOT (2006 -- 2009)

-        PC member, GIW (2014 -- 2016)

-        PC member, ICS (2000, 2002, 2012)

-        PC member, ISAAC (2011, 2012, 2017)

-        PC member, ITBAM (2010 -- 2014)

-        PC member, RECOMB (2003, 2008, 2013)

-        PC member, Workshop on Combinatorial Mathematics and Computational Theory (2003 -- 2015)

-        PC member, DMBIO 2005; MIST 2007; TANET 2007; IWOCA 2007; BIRD 2008; ICCABS 2011, 2013;

-        PC member, BioMedCom 2012; RECOMB-Seq/CCB-2015; WABI 2015; COCOA 2016, 2017, 2020; WALCOM 2017; IWBBIO 2022

-        Organizing Chair, AWNE 2006

-        Deputy Director, 2008 ACM ICPC Asia Taipei Regional Contest

-        國科會工程處大學生創意比賽評審委員

-        教育部大專生軟體創思競賽評審委員

-        國科會工程處資訊學門、智慧計算學門複審委員

-        國科會生物處生物資訊臨時學門複審委員

-        高等教育評鑑中心評鑑委員、國內多所大學之自評委員及諮議委員

-        法國Ecole Polytechnique及紐西蘭University of Canterbury的博士論文外審委員

-        美國多所大學的終身職及升等申請案的外審委員


[b]       Reviewer for the following journals:

-         Algorithmica

-         Bioinformatics

-         BMC Bioinformatics

-         Computational Statistics and Data Analysis

-         Computer Applications in the Biosciences

-         The Computer Journal

-         Discrete Applied Mathematics

-         IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

-         IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering

-         Information and Computation

-         Information Processing Letters

-         Information Sciences

-         International Journal of Foundation of Computer Science

-         Journal of the ACM (JACM)

-         Journal of Algorithms

-         Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

-         Journal of Combinatorial Optimizations

-         Journal of Computational Biology

-         Journal of Computer and System Sciences

-         Journal of Information Science and Engineering

-         Nucleic Acids Research

-         SIAM Journal on Computing


[c]      Reviewer for the following conferences:

-         APBC

-         COCOON

-         CPM

-         ICALP

-         ICONIP

-         ICS

-         IEEE BIBE

-         IEEE MSE

-         ISAAC

-         NCS

-         RECOMB

-         STOC