Instructor: Professors Shang-Tse Chen and I (Hsuan-Tien Lin: htlin AT csie DOT ntu DOT edu DOT tw) will co-teach this class
My office hour: by appointment, online (or R314 if really needed)
TAs (full list on NTU COOL): fai AT csie DOT ntu DOT edu DOT tw
Time: Fridays 09:10--12:00 (will take a total of 20-min break as needed in between)
Before the pandamic eases, we will offer the whole course virtually on Youtube (livecast) and NTU COOL (linked after class). The screencast link allows you to watch the livecast on Youtube and participate in Slido in a single window.
After the pandamic eases (to be announced), we will be in R102