Introduction to Computer, Fall 2013

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project #1
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project #3
project #4
project #5

Final project

Assigned: 2013/12/17
Due: 2014/1/14 demo
sign up


In your final project, you have freedom to choose any subject related to the course. The following are examples. We encourage you work in groups for this project. However, the group size should be justified by the scale and completeness of your project.


We will have a demo session on 1/14 afternoon. Please sign up a demo slot here. It is not required that all team members are present for the demo. However, you must have a reason for your absence. Reasons such as going back to home not in Taipei are OK. We will prepare a laptop and a projector in the demo room. You are welcome to bring in your own laptop. The demo is open to the public. So, you are welcome to sit in the room to see your fellow classmates' demos. It will be fun!

You need to write a report on what you have implemented, surveyed or learned. The report should be in html or pdf format. Please send your report and your source codes as two archive files (zip or rar) to me by the end of demo day.


The first file ( contains a web-publishable document (html or pdf) as your report. The content will be put online afterwards. You are welcome to include excutable files (.vm or .hack) in your document so that others could download your programs to play with. However, please do not include links to source codes in this document. The second file ( should contain all your source codes and resource files such as images. If you are working on a survey project, just send us the report. Finally, please clearly specify team members in your report and give a reasonable name to your project. Please do not use names with little information such as "final project."