Numerical Methods
- Instructor:
Chih-Jen Lin, Room 413, CSIE building.
The best way to contact me is via e-mails.
- TAs:
Jui-Yang Hsia, email: r08922195 at
Sheng-Wei Chen, email: d09944003 at
TA hours: CSIE R530 Tue. 14:00 ~ 15:00
Your HW/exam scores
- Time: Tuesday 10:20-13:00
We will do two 10-minute breaks at around 11:10am and 12:10pm. The class
ends at 1pm.
No class on June 15 because we will finish all slides on June 8. The final exam is still on June 22.
Place: room 105, CSIE building
- Textbook: no
- References:
FAQ of this course is here
We will pre-record all lectures and broadcast them in the class.
In the class I will give additional comments while the video is being played.
Course Outline
- Floating point operations
- Basic Numerical Methods
- Numerical linear algebra
- Interpolation and approximation
We will particularly focus on numerical
linear algebra.
Slides (in pdf) and recordings
- Course information
( video )
Floating-point systems
Direct methods for linear systems
Iterative methods for linear systems
Nonlinear equations
Fast Fourier Transformation
Roughly once every two weeks. Please write your homework/reports in English.
Every submission after the deadline will get zero points. See
FAQ about how to submit your
- HW1, due on March 16
- HW2, due on March 30
- HW3, due on April 13
- HW4, due on April 27
- HW5, due on May 11
- HW6, due on May 25
- HW7, due on June 8
- HW8, due on June 22
You can bring notes (and other printed
Electronic devices are not allowed.
For each exam, only materials after the
previous exam are covered. They may not
be exactly the same as the previous years
due to the teaching schedule.
(Sample exam questions: 1,
For midterms, discussions will be in the following week.
The discussion for the final exam will be at 12 pm 6/25 Fri (online).
30% homework, 70% Exam or
25% homework, 75% Exam (tentative)
Some (usually 10%) may fail if they don't work hard.
Issues related to COVID-19
- According to school's regulation, all students must wear
- If the covid situation becomes serious, we will move the course online.
- If you are sick, please do not come to the class.
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