Visual Cue Cluster Construction via Information Bottleneck Principle and Kernel Density Estimation

Winston H. Hsu and Shih-Fu Chang

CIVR 2005 Reviews' comments :
Reviewer 1
Reviewer 2
Reviewer 3
Relevance to CIVR
Very Significant
Very Significant
Very Significant
Very Clear
Very Clear
Correctness & Soundness
Mostly Correct & Sound
Correct & Sound
Correct & Sound
Comparison with Prior Work
Very Adequate
Very Adequate
Overall Recommendation
Strong Accept
Strong Accept
Strong Accept
Reviewer's familiarity with topic and confidence with review
Very familiar & very confident
Very familiar & very confident
Very familiar & very confident
Comments to authors
This paper presents a novel visual cue cluster construction (VC^3) method to automatically discover mid-level features. This method is based on the information bottleneck principle. The authors use a large data set of videos (the standard Trec2004) and the results are convincing. The experimental results indicate the superiority of the proposed method, especially in the tested CNN videos. The results also clearly show that VC^3 outperform the K-means in the CNN videos. This paper proposed essentially a new feature transformation framework, where raw features (e.g., image features) are converted to cue cluster soft membership values (probabilities). The cue clusters are learned based on the sIB algorithm proposed in [4-5] and used in [6]. sIB is a greedy algorithm for clustering with prior information (class labels).
A SVM is used on these features to perform classification.
The presentation is very clear. And the method and resutls are reasonable and convincing.
- With a large number of training samples, Kernel Density Estimate (e.g., Eq. 7) can become forbiddenly expensive;
- Text in Figures are messed up!
- Typo: Section 2.4, till--> still