

while 迴圈


投資 $10,000, 5% 利率, 按年複利計息

幾年後本利和至少有 $20,000?

while 敘述

while (condition)


while (balance < targetBalance)
   double interest = balance * rate / 100;
   balance = balance + interest;

File Investment.java

   A class to monitor the growth of an investment that
   accumulates interest at a fixed annual rate
public class Investment
      Constructs an Investment object from a starting balance and
      interest rate.
      @param aBalance the starting balanece
      @param aRate the interest rate in percent
   public Investment(double aBalance, double aRate)
      balance = aBalance;
      rate = aRate;
      years = 0;

      Keeps accumulating interest until a target balance has
      been reached.
      @param targetBalance the desired balance
   public void waitForBalance(double targetBalance)
      while (balance < targetBalance)
         double interest = balance * rate / 100;
         balance = balance + interest;

      Gets the current investment balance.
      @return the current balance
   public double getBalance()
      return balance;

      Gets the number of years this investment has accumulated
      @return the number of years since the start of the investment
   public int getYears()
      return years;

   private double balance;
   private double rate;
   private int years;

File InvestmentTest.java

   This program computes how long it takes for an investment
   to double.
public class InvestmentTest
   public static void main(String[] args)
      final double INITIAL_BALANCE = 10000;
      final double RATE = 5;
      Investment invest = new Investment(INITIAL_BALANCE, RATE);
      invest.waitForBalance(2 * INITIAL_BALANCE);
      int years = invest.getYears();
      System.out.println("The investment doubled after "
         + years + " years");

while 迴圈流程圖

Syntax 6.1. while 敘述

  while (condition)


while (balance < targetBalance)
   double interest = balance * rate / 100;
   balance = balance + interest;



常見錯誤: 無窮迴圈

while (year < 20)

   balance = balance +
      balance * rate / 100; 

while (year > 0)

   year++; // oops, meant --
   . . .


常見錯誤: Off-by-1 錯誤

避免 Off-by-1 錯誤

do 敘述

while (condition);

例題: 輸入確認(Validate)

double value;
String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
"Please enter a positive number");
value = Integer.parseInt(input);
while (input <= 0);

do 迴圈流程圖

6.2 for 迴圈

for 敘述

for 迴圈流程圖

File Investment.java

   A class to monitor the growth of an investment that
   accumulates interest at a fixed annual rate
public class Investment
      Constructs an Investment object from a starting balance and
      interest rate.
      @param aBalance the starting balanece
      @param aRate the interest rate in percent
   public Investment(double aBalance, double aRate)
      balance = aBalance;
      rate = aRate;
      years = 0;

      Keeps accumulating interest until a target balance has
      been reached.
      @param targetBalance the desired balance
   public void waitForBalance(double targetBalance)
      while (balance < targetBalance)
         double interest = balance * rate / 100;
         balance = balance + interest;

      Keeps accumulating interest for a given number of years.
      @param n the number of years
   public void waitYears(int n)
      for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
         double interest = balance * rate / 100;
         balance = balance + interest;
      years = years + n;

      Gets the current investment balance.
      @return the current balance
   public double getBalance()
      return balance;

      Gets the number of years this investment has accumulated
      @return the number of years since the start of the investment
   public int getYears()
      return years;

   private double balance;
   private double rate;
   private int years;

File InvestmentTest.java

   This program computes how much an investment grows in
   a given number of years.
public class InvestmentTest
   public static void main(String[] args)
      final double INITIAL_BALANCE = 10000;
      final double RATE = 5;
      final int YEARS = 20;
      Investment invest = new Investment(INITIAL_BALANCE, RATE);
      double balance = invest.getBalance();
      System.out.println("The balance after " + YEARS +
         " years is " + balance);

Syntax 6.2. for 敘述

  for (initialization; condition; update )


  for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
   double interest = balance * rate / 100;
   balance = balance + interest;


To execute an initialization, then keep executing a statement and updating an expression while a condition is true

常見錯誤: Semicolons

6.3 多層迴圈

File Triangle.java

   This class describes triangle objects that can be displayed
   as shapes like this:
public class Triangle
      Constructs a triangle.
      @param aWidth the number of [] in the last row of the triangle.
   public Triangle(int aWidth)
      width = aWidth;

      Computes a string representing the triangle.
      @return a string consisting of [] and newline characters
   public String toString()
      String r = "";
      for (int i = 1; i <= width; i++)
         // make triangle row
         for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++)
            r = r + "[]";
         r = r + "\n";
      return r;

   private int width;

File TriangleTest.java

   This program tests the Triangle class.
public class TriangleTest
   public static void main(String[] args)
      Triangle small = new Triangle(3);

      Triangle large = new Triangle(15);

6.4 處理輸入

6.4.1 讀取輸入數值

boolean done = false;
while (!done)
String input = read input;
if (end of input indicated)
done = true;
process input

這個模型稱為 "Loop and a half"

File DataSet.java

   Computes the average of a set of data values.
public class DataSet
      Constructs an empty data set.
   public DataSet()
      sum = 0;
      count = 0;
      maximum = 0;

      Adds a data value to the data set
      @param x a data value
   public void add(double x)
      sum = sum + x;
      if (count == 0 || maximum < x) maximum = x;

      Gets the average of the added data.
      @return the average or 0 if no data has been added
   public double getAverage()
      if (count == 0) return 0;
      else return sum / count;

      Gets the largest of the added data.
      @return the maximum or 0 if no data has been added
   public double getMaximum()
      return maximum;

   private double sum;
   private double maximum;
   private int count;

File InputTest.java

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

   This program computes the average and maximum of a set
   of input values.
public class InputTest
   public static void main(String[] args)
      DataSet data = new DataSet();

      boolean done = false;
      while (!done)
         String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter value, Cancel to quit");
         if (input == null)
            done = true;
            double x = Double.parseDouble(input);

      System.out.println("Average = " + data.getAverage());
      System.out.println("Maximum = " + data.getMaximum());

6.4.2 String Tokenization

File InputTest.java

import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

   This program computes the average and maximum of a set
   of input values that are entered on a single line.
public class InputTest
   public static void main(String[] args)
      DataSet data = new DataSet();

      String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter values:");
      StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(input);
      while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
         String token = tokenizer.nextToken();

         double x = Double.parseDouble(token);

      System.out.println("Average = " + data.getAverage());
      System.out.println("Maximum = " + data.getMaximum());

6.4.3 造訪字串中的字元

6.5 亂數(Random Number)

File Die.java

import java.util.Random;

   This class models a die that, when cast, lands on a random
public class Die
      Constructs a die with a given number of sides
      @param s the number of sides, e.g. 6 for a normal die
   public Die(int s)
      sides = s;
      generator = new Random();

      Simulates a throw of the die
      @return the face of the die
   public int cast()
      return 1 + generator.nextInt(sides);

   private Random generator;
   private int sides;

File DieTest.java

   This program simulates casting a die ten times.
public class DieTest
   public static void main(String[] args)
      Die d = new Die(6);
      final int TRIES = 10;
      for (int i = 1; i <= TRIES; i++)
         int n = d.cast();
         System.out.print(n + " ");

Buffon Needle Experiment

Needle Position

File Needle.java

import java.util.Random;

   This class simulates a needle in the Buffon needle experiment.
public class Needle
      Constructs a needle.
   public Needle()
      hits = 0;
      tries = 0;
      generator = new Random();

      Drops the needle on the grid of lines and
      remembers whether the needle hit a line.
   public void drop()
      double ylow = 2 * generator.nextDouble();
      double angle = 180 * generator.nextDouble();

      // compute high point of needle

      double yhigh = ylow + Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle));
      if (yhigh >= 2) hits++;

      Gets the number of times the needle hit a line.
      @return the hit count
   public int getHits()
      return hits;

      Gets the total number of times the needle was dropped.
      @return the try count
   public int getTries()
      return tries;

   private Random generator;
   private int hits;
   private int tries;

File NeedleTest.java

   This program simulates the Buffon needle experiment
   and prints the resulting approximations of pi.
public class NeedleTest
   public static void main(String[] args)
      Needle n = new Needle();
      final int TRIES1 = 10000;
      final int TRIES2 = 100000;

      for (int i = 1; i <= TRIES1; i++)
      System.out.println("Tries / Hits = "
         + (double)n.getTries() / n.getHits());

      for (int i = TRIES1 + 1; i <= TRIES2; i++)
      System.out.println("Tries / Hits = "
         + (double)n.getTries() / n.getHits());