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12.6.1 Binding Variables

Occasionally, it is important to create new variables or to modify the value of previously bound variables on the RHS of a rule. The bind function provides this capability.


(bind <variable> <expression>*)

where the first argument to bind, <variable>, is the local or global variable to be bound (it may have been bound previously). The bind function may also be used within a message-handler's body to set a slot's value.

If no <expression> is specified, then local variables are unbound and global variables are reset to their original value. If one <expression> is specified, then the value of <variable> is set to the return value from evaluating <expression>. If more than one <expression> is specified, then all of the <expressions> are evaluated and grouped together as a multifield value and the resulting value is stored in <variable>.

The bind function returns the symbol FALSE when a local variable is unbound, otherwise, the return value is the value to which <variable> is set.

Example 1

CLIPS> (defglobal ?*x* = 3.4)
CLIPS> ?*x*
CLIPS> (bind ?*x* (+ 8 9))
CLIPS> ?*x*
CLIPS> (bind ?*x* (create$ a b c d))
(a b c d)
CLIPS> ?*x*
(a b c d)
CLIPS> (bind ?*x* d e f)
(d e f)
CLIPS> ?*x*
(d e f)
CLIPS> (bind ?*x*)
CLIPS> ?*x*

Example 2

(defclass A (is-a USER)
   (role concrete)
   (slot x) (slot y))
(defmessage-handler A init after ()
   (bind ?self:x 3)
   (bind ?self:y 4))
CLIPS> (make-instance a of A)
CLIPS> (send [a] print)
[a] of A
(x 3)
(y 4)

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