Embedded Processor Design

Spring 2006

This page provides the syllabus for the course in the beginning of the semester.
For the latest activities, course materials, and discussions, please go to this page.


Shih-Hao Hung, Assistant Professor
資訊工程學系 320 室
Phone : 02-3366-4888 ext. 320
e-mail : hungsh@csie.ntu.edu.tw

Teaching Assistant 助教
資訊工程學系 502室
Phone : 02-3366-4888 ext. 502
e-mail : r94922102@ntu.edu.tw

Hours and Locations

Wednesday 14:20-17:20

Course Description

Three hours of lecture per week. This course covers the design of embedded processors and the hardware/software interactions in embedded applications. This is an advanced course for students who are interested in the research and development of embedded processors. The course requires a strong background of computer architecture. During the course, students will be asked to read manuals, architecture specifications, and research papers. Students will form project teams in the middle of the semester, and each team is required to create and complete a term project by the end of the semester.



Course Grading

20% Class Participation
20% Homework
30% Mid-term Examination
30% Term Project

Term Project

The term project can be done by individuals or teams, although teamwork is encouraged. This link offers some suggestions and guidelines which I wrote for students of Graduate Computer Architecture. Students may also use those suggestions/guideline in this course.

Course Coverage (Reference Only)

Chapters in the Textbooks:

A. Embedded Computing: A VLIW Approach to Architecture, Compilers and Tools

A.1 An Introduction to Embedded Processing

A.2 An Overview of VLIW and ILP

A.3 An Overview of ISA Design

A.4 Architectural Structures in ISA Design

A.5 Microarchitecture Design

A.6 System Design and Simulation

A.7 Embedded Compiling and Toolchains

A.8 Compiling for VLIW and ILP

A.9 The Runtime System

A.10 Application Design and Customization

A.11 Application Areas


B. ARM System-on-Chip Architecture

B.1 Introduction to Processor Design

B.2 The ARM Architecture

B.3 ARM Assembly Language Programming

B.4 ARM Organization and Implementation

B.5 The ARM Instruction Set

B.6 Architectural Support for High-Level Languages

B.7 The Thumb Instruction Set

B.8 Architectural Support for System Development

B.9 ARM Processor Core

B.10 Memory Hierarchy

B.11 Architectural Support for Operating Systems

B.12 ARM CPU Cores

B.13 Embedded ARM Applications

B.14 The AMULET Asynchronous ARM Processors


Course Schedule (Tentative)

2006/02/22    First Class, Introduction






2006/04/05    Holiday


2006/04/19    Midterm Exam






2006/05/31    Holiday



2006/06/21-28    Presentation of Term Projects