
Fall 2004

Course webpage: http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cyy/m0520

Meeting time and place: Room 110, 6:30pm-9:30pm Wednesday

Instructor: 莊永裕, Room 527, cyy@csie.ntu.edu.tw

Office hours: by appointment

Textbooks: Grading: Course overview:
In this course, we will cover computation theory and algorithms. For the first part of the course, we will talk about important topics in theory of computing: For the second part of the course, we will talk about some "real-world" algorithms. The goal of this part is to help you gain a greater appreciation of the beauty and elegance of algorithms as well as where they are used in the real world. Hopefully, after this course, you will become better prepared to tackle algorithm design for "real-world" problems. The possible algorithms we will go over include Lectures:
09/22: lecture02
09/29: lecture03
10/06: lecture04
10/13: lecture05
10/20: lecture06
10/27: lecture07
11/03: lecture08
11/10: midterm exam
11/17: lecture09
11/24: lecture10
12/01: lecture11
12/08: lecture12
12/15: lecture13
12/22: lecture14
12/29: lecture15

Homework #1: due 10/13
Homework #2: due 11/03
Homework #3: due 12/22
Homework #4: due 1/05

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